Health passport gains traction in Europe, as India cannot stop virus spread


Germany, Denmark and Italy today joined the handful of countries that have decided to ease restrictions vaccinated against coronavirusas the rampant virus continued to overwhelm Indian hospitals with patients and an irregular vaccination scandal put the Paraguayan government on the ropes.

German Justice Minister Christine Lambrecht said her country would lift certain restrictions, such as requiring a negative test to enter stores, the limit of people in private meetings or the recently established curfew in from 22 for those who received both doses of coronavirus vaccine.

The lower house of parliament, the Bundestag, will vote on this text on Thursday and the Bundesrat, the upper house, on Friday, and if approved, these relaxations could come into force this weekend.

Until today, the country of 83 million people had immunized against covid-19 with the two doses of the drug at over 6.7 million, while nearly 24 million received a single dose, according to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), a government agency responsible for combating contagious diseases.

Denmark will also ease several of the restrictions adopted by the coronavirus pandemic, thanks to a controlled epidemiological situation and its health passport, one of the first in Europe.

In addition to the planned reopening of cinemas and theaters, this decision adds that gymnasiums will be able to reopen on Thursday after presenting the “coronapas”, the health passport which certifies a negative test of less than 72 hours, a vaccination or a recent recovery of the disease. covid-19.

Likewise, do not reserve a table in a restaurant with half an hour to spare, the limit for meetings in closed spaces will increase to 25 people and high school students will be able to return to class, according to the negotiated plan until late. at night in Parliament.

Also, in Italy, Prime Minister Mario Draghi announced the launch of a green national passport for those who have been fully vaccinated against covid-19 and to enter into force from the second half of May.

“The world wants to come to Italy and Italy is ready to receive the world,” said Draghi after the summit of G20 tourism ministers in Rome, quoted by the AFP news agency.

This is an internal measure that allows travel between regions of the country with the aim of reviving the economy and compensating for 2020, which has seen a drop in tourism of more than 60%.


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