Health performed tests and prevention tasks in Plaza Vera


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Yesterday, the Ministry of Health undertook hepatitis prevention tasks as part of World Disease Day, which was held last Saturday. The Red Cross, the Central Blood Bank and the Capital City also participated in the activity.
From the beginning, tents were installed in the central square of the capital with vaccination services against hepatitis B and influenza, for members of the group at risk. In addition, tests were conducted on hepatitis B and C and the delivery of pamphlets on care for the prevention of this disease.
Angelina Bobadilla, head of the HIV HIV, Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Viral Hepatitis Department, said "This year's motto of the World Health Organization (WHO) is 'the time to diagnose, treat and heal'.
The manager explained that "hepatitis C is cured by a three-month treatment, which was incorporated in Argentina two years ago with good results.In the case of hepatitis B, it is prohibited to vaccinate from 2012 for adults on the national calendar and is mandatory.
Hepatitis means inflammation of the liver, a vital organ that treats nutrients, exerts a detoxifying function and synthesizes proteins. When the liver is inflamed or damaged, its function may be affected.
In most cases, hepatitis is caused by a virus. Viral hepatitis is most often caused by the viruses of hepatitis A, hepatitis B and hepatitis C.
In other cases, excessive consumption of alcohol, toxins, certain medications and certain medical conditions can also cause hepatitis.
Most of the time, hepatitis does not cause symptoms and the disease goes unnoticed.

Program of Activities for Breastfeeding Week

World Breastfeeding Week is celebrated from August 1st to 7th, which is why Public Health plans to develop various activities in the area of ​​badfeeding. hospitals and health centers in the province to promote and inform about the importance of this food practice in the overall development of the child.
The date was officially established by the World Health Organization (WHO) and Unicef ​​in 1992. It is celebrated in over 120 countries, from August 1-7, anniversary of the Innocenti Declaration , signed by WHO and the Fund. United Nations Institute for Childhood (UNICEF) in August 1990 on the protection, promotion and support of badfeeding.
According to the WHO, one of the benefits of badfeeding is that it protects the child from illness because it contains antibodies that help the child to avoid frequent childhood diseases such as diarrhea and pneumonia.
On the other hand, the WHO recommends it because it benefits mothers because it reduces the risk of bad cancer and ovarian cancer. The WHO also recommends exclusive badfeeding for the first six months of life so that the child achieves optimal growth, development, and health.
Iris García, a nutrition graduate of the General Directorate of Maternal and Child Health, said that "The motto of this year's badfeeding week is" Breastfeeding, the base for ". a healthy life "because it is the basis of the that we are with the good nutrition child because we provide all the necessary nutrients, water, to everything you need to grow and develop healthy, especially a lot of immunity that will prevent otitis, diarrhea and colds, other diseases. "
Next Friday, the fourth Provincial Breastfeeding Conference will be held at Club Regatas

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