Health Prepares Campaign to Encourage Breastfeeding


Under the 2018 Global Theme Breastfeeding: The Foundation of Healthy Living from August 6 to 10, the Provincial Portfolio of Health aims to raise awareness of badfeeding by encouraging and promoting badfeeding. valuing women who badfeed their children, thus facilitating adequate and enjoyable places for them to badfeed their children and understand that a mom can badfeed anywhere and should not be hidden from the eyes of anyone.

Breastfeeding has multiple benefits, it ensures food security, especially in smaller children when socio-economic conditions are not favorable; decreases the incidence of infectious diseases and improves the nutritional status of young children, given its impact on the prevention of hunger and malnutrition.

Feeding human milk is not just adequate nutrition; It also optimizes the health of the nursing mother herself. Improved badfeeding practices will prevent 823,000 deaths each year of children under the age of 5 and around 20,000 deaths of women due to cancer.

The proposal is to work with participants on topics such as badfeeding and return work, extraction techniques and storage, positions for badfeeding, sleep, contraception, etc. In addition, there will be information stands and ldicas proposals, so through the game you can rethink and reinforce the concepts described above.

Calendar of activities:

Thursday 9 August from 9:00 to 15:00 Child Care Center (CAI) located in Pje. Zucarino 646, where there will be games, workshops, healthy snacks.

Friday, August 10 at 14:00 Health Center N 8 of the district of San Benito.

Wednesday, August 15 at 10 am in the room of the Regional Hospital Ro Gallegos.

Wednesday, August 25 at the local Charitos from noon.

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