Heartwarming: Grandpa called the police on Christmas because he was alone | the Chronicle


Each end of the year is special all over the world. There is a feeling in the air that something new begins after Christmas Eve on December 24, when families get together and share a dinner with loved ones.

However, there are people who are not fortunate enough to have a business during these dates. This is the case of Fiorenzo, a grand father The 94-year-old lives in the municipality of Vergato, near the Italian city of Bologna. On the morning of December 25, the old man called the police to say he felt lonely and asked to be able to share a Christmas toast with someone, local media reported. The Republic.

“I’m home alone. I don’t miss anything, I just need someone to exchange the Christmas toast with. If you have a police officer available, could I come for 10 minutes because I’m alone? “The man said.

After receiving the moving phone call, the police went to the waiting home of Fiorenzo. The grandfather told them life stories like that of his stepfather, Francesco Sferrazza, who was a field marshal at the time of World War II. The men in uniform spoke to him, toasted and then made a video call to his relatives.

The next day, the police returned to the home of Fiorenzo, who claimed to be totally “moved”, and they gave him a joint photo as a souvenir.


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