Heatwave and record temperatures in Spain – Radioinforme 3


The intense heatwave that affects the Iberian Peninsula this Saturday broke the record for the maximum absolute temperature recorded in Spain, with 47.4 degrees reached in a city of Cordoba in the south of the country, according to provisional measures from the Meteorological Agency State (Aemet).

The peak was reached after 5 p.m. local time in the municipality of Montoro, in the Alto Guadalquivir, when the thermometers of an automatic station in Aemet recorded 47.4 degrees, a tenth above the record measurement that the same. location had recorded on July 13, 2017, as reported by the news agency AFP.

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We are talking about an “Africanization” of the climate and desertification. It is the first wave which is now tending to subside and we do not know if there will be a second.

With the alteration of the climate, the seasons become blurred and each municipality takes measures and restrictions and the situation with danger of fire is added.

Between 2011 and 2020, Spain recorded twice as many heat waves as in the previous three decades, according to Aemet.

Scientists consider this to be an unequivocal effect of global warming and believe that this type of heatwave will multiply and intensify in the future.

Adrián Cragnonili report


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