Heatwave has already caused seven deaths in Japan | Chronic


At least seven people have died, including a baby, following the heatwave that has hit Japan since Friday, with temperatures approaching 40 degrees in different parts of the archipelago.

An 11-month-old baby died in a hospital in Toyama city, central Japan, after being tied to the vehicle's safety belt for about four hours while the temperature was around 32 degrees, according to the report. ;agency. ANSA.

People are suffering from extreme temperatures.

Police arrested the mother, aged 25, who said she had forgotten the baby after going to the restaurant and drinking a lot.

Most of the victims are 60 to 90-year-olds from the northeastern Miyahi prefecture in Nagasaki, in the south-west of the country, surprised by the sudden heat wave that struck inside the archipelago.

The balance sheet adds to the 12 deaths last week after the end of the rainy season, which lasted eight days above average, with temperatures slightly above 20 degrees at the end of July.


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