Hector Timerman defended the pact with Iran and denounced a mysterious operation – 13/07/2018


What was postulated as a videoconference investigation that would not last long, was traversed by various technical difficulties. So, even though Hector Timerman was ready to testify at 9:30, he could not do it before 2:20 pm due to the lack of microphones in the equipment that he had brought to his home to hold the # 39; s hearing. When he managed to declare, defended the signing of the Covenant with Iran he reiterated that the "red warnings" that governed the five Iranians accused of the bombing of the country. AMIA have never been in danger and have maintained someone who cares that the cause does not advance, is not Iranian and I do not know why he is fact. "

So that the hearing scheduled in the course of the case can be held where twelve defendants – including Cristina Kirchner and Timerman – accused of concealing the bombing of the bombing. AMIA, the judges of the Federal Federal Court Gabriela López Íñiguez and José Michilini had to go with the prosecutor Marcelo Colombo to the private residence of the former Chancellor

The situation was surrounded by peculiarities, and part of them responded to Timerman's delicate health situation. lawyers Alejandro Rúa and Graciana Peñafort requested that, although the trial has not yet begun, the court anticipated the statement of investigation.

When the TOF 8 was made and the date of 39; fixed hearing, everything was arranged the former head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs declares by videoconference from his home. With notorious difficulties in speaking, the first attempt was suspended because they were not picking up microphones and it was impossible to listen with clarity what the accused had raised.

Then, after the defense complaint for the injustice committed it was decided that the judges and the prosecutor should go to the former Chancellor's office. At 14:20 and still with technical difficulties, he opened the investigation that was attended by the lawyers of the other defendants and the complaints of the room B of Comodoro Py.

With a strong defense to the Memorandum of Understanding with Iran, Timerman first referred to one of the charges against him: having held secret meetings with his Iranian counterpart in Aleppo . "There was no summit in Aleppo secret." "The only thing I can say for sure is that I was on tour in the Middle East and then we went to Turkey to visit, and I went to Aleppo. that I was going to Syria.It was public. "

The Colombo Attorney asked him how the pact was developed with the & # 39; 39, Iran, which according to the law had the sole purpose " to grant impunity to the five Iranians identified as responsible for the attack perpetrated at the headquarters of the AMIA "and for this reason Alberto Nisman days before being found dead, he denounced them for covering the attack that will take place next week, 24 years. 19659011] "At the meetings, we would not talk about another subject, only from AMIA," she said, saying that it was a directive of Cristina Kirchner, and she remembered that there were at least three meetings with her Iranian counterpart. " The meetings took place in Geneva and, he added," there were meetings with the Vice Chancellor and others that I went alone. "

To defend the former president, the first Onario function said:" President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner has never given an order contrary to the law and I would never have respected it . She was very interested in solving this case and solving it under his presidency, "and he said," it seems that the issue of the Memorandum is being used to attack it. "

The meetings where the Memorandum was discussed lasted between and three hours," said Timerman, deciding what was made public and what was not, he said that the criterion that he applied was "not to cut negotiations, the parameter was that ".

Once again, she has reiterated that the red warnings of Interpol that reigned over the Iranians "were not in danger" and that was there when she pulled her more critical phrase: "I am party in 2015, the Memorandum was unconstitutional and 4 years have pbaded, can you say what was the cause? The only thing that is advancing is my cancer, nothing else is progressing and it is a great frustration, a small advance will always be better than nothing. "

In this respect, he redoubled the bet and declared: he is t convenient that in 4 years there is only silence, it is convenient that someone stops it . It's very difficult, I believe that there is someone here who holds that and who is not Iranian, I do not know who, and why he does it. I know it suits the United States and Israel. "

At around age 16, when the investigation was over, the former Chancellor again complained of the cause: " this is only " 39, a political persecution ", lamented.

Without naming him, he referred to Alberto Nisman, whom he said he only saw three times. "If they find that the money is dead (compared to the former attorney) and that I've never found anything, or money, I'm here at me, I can not visit my granddaughter who lives in France and declares Before concluding, he made a brief reference to three other defendants in the case: Jorge Khalil, Luis D & # 39; Elia and Fernando Esteche and their telephone conversations. "I heard them when they became public, I did not know that they had these conversations" and explained, "They never came to see me" and more firmly stated: "There are those who still want to take part in a trade deal, the three guys seemed to be talking. "

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