Her boyfriend confessed to her in his sleep that he was unfaithful, he looked up the woman’s name on Facebook and got an unexpected surprise | the Chronicle


TIC Tac full of infidels discovered by their partners in the strangest possible way: a young woman spotted her boyfriend’s lover TikTok-20210804-0115.html “target =” _ blank “> in the reflection of a furnace , while another managed to make out the figure of a woman in the photo her boyfriend sent her of the “meeting with friends”. Bailey hunter, the young influencer who discovered the infidelity of her boyfriend cwhen he heard her speak in his sleep. To throw it wasn’t even the worst.

It all started when they were together at Hunter’s house, where her boyfriend also lived. When she lay down next to her partner, who was already asleep, she heard him pronounced the first and last name of another woman: “And usually when people talk while they sleep, it’s hard to understand or it just doesn’t make sense. No, it was clear as day, like in a movie“.

Curious and somewhat worried, the young woman looks for the woman in Facebook and I found his profile. When he realized that the woman she was married and also had childrenShe decided not to give it importance, but she still told her boyfriend about the incident. “Oh that’s just a girl I went to high school withhe replied nonchalantly.

Still with some suspicion, Hunter finally contacted the woman, explaining that she was the subject’s girlfriend: “The way he responded is what made me even more nervous“he told on his TikTok.”She told me ‘you have to worry about your own business you are just his crazy ex-girlfriendIndignant and alarms ringing in her head, the young influencer decided to continue her investigation.

Thanks to the fact that she not only allowed him use your car to go to work and live at home without helping with taxes, but he also paid for his phone, was able to access his telephone records. In her history, she detected a 45-minute phone call with a number she did not recognize. Although her boyfriend denied making such a call, for Hunter Everything has already been said.

He cheated on her and stole her phone too

After evicting her ex-boyfriend from his home, Hunter contacted him to ask him to come back the phone she was paying for, to which he She refused: “He told me that he had already spoken to a police officer and that I wouldn’t return my phone cause there is nothing I can do“.

After reporting the theft of the phone, the man contacted her again and they both arranged for him to return the device. when will you pick up your car, which he had left in the influencer garage. Days have passed since the agreed time for the swap, and the ex never showed up to pick up his car. Seeing the possibility of a small rematch, Hunter made a decision.

At the rate of ”
Goodbye goodbye“From NSYNC, the influencer showed her ex’s car was blown away.

So what did I do? Yeah tow your shit“The young woman commented on a video of the tow truck carrying her ex-partner’s car.”I had to pay over $ 1200 Dollars to cancel the old phone line and get a new phone so I was pretty happy that at least that bothered him too“, he underlined.

User Response: “He wasn’t your boyfriend, he was your son”

To complete the incredible story, Hunter added that after uploading the original story your ex decided to post his side of the story on its own TikTok account, with somewhat different results: “He deleted his TikTok before he could see it. Everyone in the comments told him that it just made him even more guilty“The young woman remembered, agreeing with her actions.

The video with its story quickly caught the attention of TikTok users, who gave the video over 600,000 likes and around 3,000 comments. “It’s so funny how he dug his own grave“, underlined an Internet user.

While several speakers emphasized the haughtiness with which the young woman faced the situation, others suggested that several red flags appeared before the incident, revealing that even without the infidelity, the relationship seemed quite toxic: “He lives with you, drives your car, you pay him his phone bill … Madam, it’s your son not your boyfriend“underlined a comment.


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