Her dog licked her, woke her up 10 days later and had no legs nor arms | Chronic


Marie Trainer He was amputated legs and arms after being licked by his dog while he was playing. The woman, a resident of Ohio in the United States, was infected with the common virus Capnocytophaga, in dogs and cats.

Shortly after the lick, Trainer began to have nausea and fever. He had to be admitted. In the hospital, his symptoms worsened until gangrene formation. Marie was induced into a coma and ten days later she woke up without her legs or arms.

"When I opened my eyes, I did not know where I was.It was very difficult to discover that they had to take my legs and my arms.It was very difficult to accept " The woman has expressed.

According to the doctor Margaret Kobe, medical director of infectious diseases of the hospital, this germ is "fairly common in the oral flora or in the mouths of dogs and can be transmitted by a bite or sometimes only by contact with saliva".


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