Her mother kicked her out of the house because she was a lesbian: who is Malika Chalhy, the young woman whose case could lead to a law against homophobia in Italy? | the Chronicle


It all started in early 2021 when Malika Chalhy She decided not to be silent anymore, she wrote a letter to her family to tell them that she was dating and that she was very much in love. However, the 22-year-old did not expect the reaction from her parents.

Chalhy is from Castelfiorentino, a town in the city of Florence, Italy. On April 9, she denounced that her mother had thrown her out of the house because she was a lesbian, her family had not let her take her clothes or her personal belongings. The young woman denounced this fact in the digital media FanPage.

“I was afraid that they would not take it well, but I never thought that they would come and tell me certain things and that they would threaten me with death“, expressed the young woman.

“I wish you a tumor. You are the ruin of the family, better a drug addict girl than a lesbian, her mother told her via audio messages on WhatsApp.

After being evicted from her home more than four months ago, the young woman has become a reference in the LGTBI Community at Italy. The mayor of Castelfiorentino, Alessio Falorno, has promised to help the young woman.

The young woman received support not only through funds raised on the crowdfunding platform GoFunMe, but also a bill in the Italian Parliament has gained momentum.

This would be the first law against homophobia in the country, at the end of April it was sent to the Senate. As reported EFE, in recent days, thousands of Italians have taken to the streets to support the project led by MP Alessandro Zan of the Democratic Party.


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