Her shoeshine father paid for her studies and she thanked him in a very special way | the Chronicle


The story thrills from start to finish. It’s just over three minutes of a video that says a lot more than what could be done at the time. That’s why it’s no surprise that the shoot took little or nothing to go viral, as it chronicles a girl’s love for her father and vice versa.

It happened in Peru, but it quickly moved users around the world. Tell what happened to a recent young business administration graduate who prepared a surprise to thank her dad, who works shiny shoes.

As she went along, she asked one of her professors, the one who had advised her on the thesis, to pose as a client of her father and during this time, she was showing behind her back advertisements that completed a message.

“My dad always thought I was ashamed, but thanks to him I graduated today. My mother left us for another family and he always stood up for me. He never looked for another woman because he said I was the woman of his life. He never made a lot of money, but he worked two or three times so that we didn’t miss anything ”, wrote the young woman in various messages that she showed while her father was “interviewed” and spoke of her with love.

The moving video of a daughter’s gratitude to her father


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