Her testicles were removed because they reached her knees | Chronic


A 43-year-old man was forced to get his swollen testicles removed after reaching under his knees and not letting him walk. A CT scan of his abdomen and pelvis, performed in a hospital in Panama, revealed that he had a hernia that contained part of his bowel.

His scrotum had grown steadily over the past 30 years. The accumulation of liquid has swollen his testicles and legs up to 3.35 kg, and his open wounds suppress the smelly pus. Your penis is also "buried" in the swollen meat.

During his examination, he indicated that the skin was thickened, dark red and had two open and infected wounds. During this time, the scans showed inguinal hernia.

To scan

Doctors in Texas, led by Dr. Katherine Dowd, Baylor Scott and White health, detailed the case in urology. The report states that the man has never seen a doctor for years before arriving in an emergency department in Panama with fever, a fast heart rate and a transparent balloon in the scrotum. .

The specialists warned him that he had lymphedema, which developed when the flow of the lymphatic system was damaged and the fluid could not move properly. They also indicated that if the patient did not function, this inflammation could have fatal consequences.

Concerned about the rotten meat and the risk it represented, the doctors took it and removed the infected tissue. Although his testicles were removed, his penis remained intact.

So were the testicles of the man.

The next five days, the man remained in the hospital with intravenous antibiotics. Hydrocele, a medical term for the type of swelling of the scrotum, is 30.2 cm x 24.4 cm x 13.1 cm. Plastic surgeons sewed the man's scrotum with a mesh graft.

Plastic surgeons sewed the scrotum.

Two days later, he left a rehabilitation center and after four weeks, the doctors announced that he was successfully curing: "With this treatment plan, the initial debridement followed by a stadium repair on the third and eighth days, the patient was spared from prolonged wound care, painful changes in the dressing, without sacrificing aesthetic and functional results. "


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