Here are the best countries and cities to retire


The analysis took into account six variables, including the average retirement age, the percentage of salary allocated to retirement, the Life expectancy, the degree of Health, the number of doctors per 1000 inhabitants and the average length of retirement.

As revealed Information, Spain it is the country with the best scores with the best conditions for retirement. He has the second longest retirement period (22 years on average), a life expectancy close to 84 years and an average pension equivalent to 83.4% of the salary before retirement. Likewise, the level of health is the highest on the list of 37 countries, with four doctors per 1,000 inhabitants.

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Photo: Pixabay

In second place was Greece, where workers can retire with only 60.45 years and a high number of doctors, while retirement covers only 51.11% of salary.



Third place is for Austria, a central European country with one of the highest public pensions (89.9% of salary), good medical and health standards.

The countries of Latin America they were in the last places. Chile, instead of 32, it does not reach 3 doctors per 1,000 inhabitants, you have to be over 68 to retire and the public pension only covers 37% of the salary.

Chile Coronavirus

Cuyo’s Journal

While Colombia, penultimate, has a life expectancy of less than 78 years and a poor health service, with only 2 doctors per 1,000 inhabitants.

Argentina it was not taken into account for the ranking because it is not a full member of the OECD, but rather participates in the bloc as “observer” countries.

What is the best capital to retire

The ranking is completed by the best capitals to retire. In this case, the variables analyzed were the number of inhabitants over 65, the average length of retirement measured in years, the percentage of household income allocated to savings, the price of the good per square meter and how a lot It costs a three-course meal for two people.

The result is predictable: if Spain is the country with the best conditions to retire, Madrid leads the ranking of the best cities, above Vienna and Athens.

The Spanish capital has nearly 340,000 elderly people, who have been retired for more than 22 years. However, living in Madrid it is more expensive than in other cities and you can hardly save money. The square meter is paid more than 6,100 euros and a dinner is worth almost 60 euros.


The European capital with the cheapest conditions for retirees is Bratislava, at Slovakia, where more than 91% of retirees own their home, the price per square meter is around 4,300 euros and a meal for two costs around 41.5 euros.

Santiago de Chile ranks 30th, below Phone and above Oldest boy, the capital of Lithuania. Bogota is close, at 33, below Washington and better than Seoul

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