Here are the names of the five soldiers killed in Arauca


Military assassinated during an attack on the police in Arauquita, Arauca.  / National Army
Military assassinated during an attack on the police in Arauquita, Arauca. / National Army

The Colombian national army announced this afternoon the identity of the five men in uniform who died in the attack on the command of the Eighth Division of the Colombian National Army, located in Arauquita, Arauca, on the morning of September 11.

By an official statement, the military institution indicated that the fatal victims were the Second Sergeant Luis Argiro Durango Mazo and professional soldiers Julián Adolfo Torres Loaiza, Kevin Enrique Sibaja Lambertino, Jeferson Gamboa Robledo and Kebinson Alberto Campo Flórez.

In the same communication, it is reported that Sergeant Durango, originally from Ituango, Antioquia, He was married and father of a seven year old daughter. In addition, he had served in the military for 14 years. Torres Loaiza, meanwhile, was from Bugalagrande, Valle del Cauca, and had just completed seven years in the institution.

Sibaja Lambertino, born in Montería, Cordoba, had been a member for four years, as was Gamboa Robledo, from Buenaventura, Valle del Cauca. Among the soldiers, the most experienced was Campo Flórez, who had a total of 10 years of service in the military institution to his credit.. He was from Guamal, Tolima, He was also married.

“Likewise, we hope and support the speedy recovery of our career soldiers. Juan Carlos Mora Díaz, Libardo González Guzmán, Freidy Geovany Caicedo Camilo, Dayvid Alexander Montoya Palacio, Anderson Jair Ramírez Rojas and Yoseph Alfredo Peña Vargas, which are treated by specialists, in order to carry out a medical follow-up of the injuries generated by the impact of bruises and bruises that the criminal action has generated ”, we read in the communication.

In this regard, the army commander, General Eduardo Enrique Zapateiro, took the floor, declaring: “We feel a deep sorrow for the murder of five of our soldiers of the Eighth Division while honorably discharging their duty to the homeland. Brave men attached to the tranquility of Arauca. We accompany their families, friends and colleagues. Peace in their graves”.

Likewise, Defense Minister Diego Molano called the event “a terrorist and cowardly act.” […] This alliance between the ELN and FARC dissidents who plan terrorist acts in Venezuela and then carry them out with a macabre game in Colombia, today it has affected the lives of four of our soldiers and one non-commissioned officer and injured six others in Arauquita. Soldiers who were on a mission to protect the pipeline ”.

The head of the security portfolio also indicated that operations against the criminal structures that carried out the act are already underway. They are headed directly by General Zapateiro and the Commander of the Military Forces, General Luis Fernando Navarro.

It should be recalled that the attack took place specifically in the sector of Juju, a rural area of ​​the municipality of Arauquita, where suspected members of the National Liberation Army (ELN) employed explosive devices, shards of rifles and machine guns, to attack the uniforms. These latter They were attached to the 27th Ground Operations Battalion of Task Force Chiron.

President Iván Duque, for his part, condemned the attack which he described as “cowardly” and “terrorist”, and he indicated that those responsible would be members of said insurgent group or FARC dissidents. “The murder and injuries of many of our heroes hurt us. This is clearly an act between the ELN and FARC dissidents planned from Venezuela.», Launched the president of the Colombians.

Unofficially, the Colombian newspaper El Tiempo stated that the safest thing is that the attackers have already crossed the Colombian border with this country. So far, no armed group has attributed the attack to the men in uniform.


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