Here they are … the happiest countries in the world! | Chronic


Finland has again been chosen as the happiest country in the world according to the 2019 World Happiness Report, published by the United Nations.

What characterizes the top ten of this clbadification is that these are nations that "tend to have high values ​​in most variables considered essential to well-being: income, life expectancy, social support, freedom, trust and generosity ".

They also benefit from a paternity leave of up to six months. It is worth highlighting his life expectancy, he is 82 years old (83 years old in Spain).

Finland has maintained its modest but steady upward trend since 2014 and is now far ahead of the other "top 10" countries, according to the study published annually since 2012.

The index is based on an average of three years of surveys conducted by the Gallup Public Opinion Institute between 2016 and 2018 and badyzes various indicators such as life expectancy, social support and corruption. This year's report pays special attention to addictions, which he says are at the root of unhappiness and depression.

With regard to South Americans, Chille 26, Brazil 32, Colombia 43 and Argentina 47.

At the bottom of the list, the least fortunate countries are South Sudan, the Central African Republic and Afghanistan.


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