Here's how the prices evolved in Medellín in June 2018


Inflation in Medellín reached 2.79% in the first half, as reported last night by the National Administrative Department of Statistics (Dane). This result places the capital paisa (with Cartagena) among the 24 cities in the country with the highest consumer price index (CPI) so far this year.

Education (5.83%), Transportation (4.12%) and diversion (3.68%) were the largest spending groups that pushed up inflation during the first six months of the year. Year (see parenthesis).

Inflation for Medellin reached 0.16% in the sixth month of the year and the index in 12 months was 3.52%.

Only in June, Comunicaciones (1.64%) was the one who increased the most and contributed to the total increase. Variation in spending on Diversion also contributed to the increase, a total of 1.22%, which according to Javier Felipe Ochoa economic badyst of the Valumnian Stock Market Commissioner, for the season vacation and the 2018 Russia World Cup.

According to the entity, the country's inflation over the last 12 months was 3.20%, that is, in the limits of the target range of the Bank of the Republic, between 2% and 4% A year ago it increased of 0,11% (June) 3,35% (semester) and 3,99% (July to June).

The Minister of Finance and Public Portfolio, Mauricio Cárdenas published on his Twitter account that "in the past four years, inflation has not been as low between July and June, as indicated by the Dane for the sixth month of 2018. "What is the importance of sound management of monetary policy?", he said.

This indicator of the cost of living of Colombians adjusted the result to six months (from January to June) by 2.47%, which represents a decrease of 0.88 percentage points compared to the first half. The Consumer Price Index for the month of June was 0.15%, while the Communications (1.69%) and Transportation (0.34%) sectors grew. during this period.

That said, Nicolás Ceballos, macro badyst of the stockbroker Adcap [19] 459007] pointed out that if the price of oil continues to rise, it is possible that there is pressure in the energy sector over the next few months of the year.

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