Hernán Lombardi, about Alberto Fernández: "He was extremely aggressive, he could not lower his finger"


Source: LA NACION – Credit: Fabián Marelli

The head of the federal content and public content system,
Hernán Lombardi, once spoke the
presidential debate in
Santa Fe and criticized the "aggressive" attitude of the Front of All candidate,
Alberto Fernandez, during the exchange at the National University of the Coast. Lombardi assimilated
Fernandez's "accusing finger" in the manner of former President Cristina Kirchner during her presidencies.

"[Hubo] a huge unexpected aggression from Alberto Fernández that also shows Kirchnerism in its current state. Cristina Fernández is not there but there is someone who looks a lot like her, "Lombardi told the chain
TN. "He was extremely aggressive from the start, he could almost not be contained.The body expression is very important and
the finger could not go down. The finger reminded you Cristina at Casa Rosada, "he continued.

He then recalled that this attitude of the candidate was a "style" typical of Kirchnerism that Fernández was responsible – according to him – to put back on the table. "It sounds really good to me, it 's a style, it' s an aggressive style, it 's their style that we all suffered from Argentina for 12 years. showed again. "

For Lombardi, the main opposition candidate of the government has made almost no campaign proposals. Something that, as he said, Macri did. "Very generically and trying not to be biased in this: Mauricio Macri shows a comprehensive proposal of the government looking at the future, many candidates say valid things but tend to be biased, they develop more on the subject Alberto Fernández practically, there was no proposal, he had an aggressive attitude that refers to the time of Cristina Fernández who challenged us all with the finger by the national channel. "



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