Hero: a dog saved his master from a poisonous snake


A teenager in United States he was saved by his dog of the attack of a poisonous snake. The animal received two bites that they left her at edge of death. The young man created a post on Go find me to raise funds and pay for the treatment of the animal, and soon after 12 thousand dollars.

Alex Loredo, 18, wanted to take advantage of morning to do the housework. It was then that he met the reptile, a rattlesnake, that he was under a table and barely a step away.

The young man created a post on Go Found Me to raise funds and pay for the animal’s treatment. In no time, he raised $ 12,000. (Photo: Alex Loredo)

Marley, a labrado retriever, realized what was going on and pushed the young man to keep it away from the predator. The snake pounced on the mammal and bit it on the language and the neck, causing injuries that could have been fatal.

“I was handed over to Marley for help me lose weight because he had health problems. It was me collaborater of exercise. Through months of walking and playing with him, I noticed that my health complications started to disappear and me motivated to continue to lose weight, ”explained the young man.

Regarding the episode in which his dog saved his life, Loredo recalled that ” There was blood everywhere. He also pointed out that the dog collapsed on the ground crying in pain, for which he had to take him to the nearest vet, to eight kilometers distance.

Since they had no antidote, he went to the animal hospital. There, the specialists they provided Of injections in order to contain advance of poison. Some time later, his owner was waiting in the venue when he received News: You have been informed that Marley is in critical condition.

“The doctor made it clear that Marley was going to have to stay hospitalized several days, depending on your condition and reaction to the poison. Like the tongue, one of the affected parts is vital in your body, your the nervous system. From the hospital, they told me about a quote of $ 9000 to cure Marley, without warranty the possibility that SurvivedThe teenager said.

It was then that Alex created the GoFundMe campaign to cover medical costs. He eventually managed to collect more than 12 thousand dollars and luckily the dog Survived.

“I am more than grateful for the love and support we received, Marley It’s much better, still has the bite marks, although the vet said the tongue is regenerator and in no time will heal completely. Continue your therapy vitamins and receive lots of love”Loredo concludes.


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