He’s 6, has complex heart disease, and needs $ 10,500 to get to Boston and get his heart beating


Dance of freedom on the social network Tik Tok

A Libertad Norry She loves to dance. He stands in front of the cell phone, walks into Tik Tok and dances and sings to the beat of some of the songs that are uploaded to the social network. Maybe like a lot of kids his age. However, Libertad, barely six years old, has already undergone more than three surgeries: two of them open heart. Before her birth, in her mother Delfina’s womb, she was diagnosed with Left ventricular hypoplasia (a syndrome that affects the normal flow of blood through the heart). Now you need to go to Boston, USA, in June so that she can continue her treatment and make her heart beat.

Since 2017, the little girl has been wearing a pacemaker which allows her to continue living, but which must be checked at Boston Children’s Hospital, world reference center with recognized success for patients with complex heart disease.

Delfina Arimayn and Jorge Norry Are the parents of Freedom. She was not the first to join the family, the twins had arrived before Felipe and Helena (9). But this time it was all different. In the fifth month of pregnancy, a follow-up ultrasound revealed the least expected diagnosis. The news was devastating for the whole family due to the complexity of the case and the low life expectancy.

Freedom with his parents
Freedom with his parents

But Liberty fought with all her might. Always. She was operated on when she was just a few days old, overcame the first hurdle and then had to have open heart surgery at six months and three years old. However, all these interventions would be palliative. In order to continue their treatment, the Norry family is due to travel to Boston on June 25.

The goal is to collect $ 10,500 -Before June 1 to finance the costs of the control at Boston Children’s Hospital and thus ensure a quality of life.

As in Argentina, there is no latest generation pacemaker, the family must continue the treatment abroad. This is not the first expense they have to face, since they have traveled more than once. But they will do anything to make Liber agree.

Libertad Norry loves apps and dancing with Tik Tok. You must travel to Boston to continue your cardiovascular treatment

“The most important thing is to maintain the treatment so that it maintains the quality of life that it has which, thanks to the solidarity of many people who have helped us, today it is very good for the heart disease which in suffers, which gives us hope., “he said Infobae Delfina, the baby’s mother.

“Since 2017 under treatment in Boston, because the prognosis for boys with Liber heart disease in the country is not very good. That’s why we have to travel every year and sometimes we even have to go two or three times, so that he can continue his treatment, ”added Delfina.

Liber with his brothers
Liber with his brothers

“Liber went into severe heart failure in November 2017, thanks to the treatment they gave him it went from severe to moderate, which was a big step forward. ANDOn June 28th, we have to be there, to be checked and also they have to perform a series of stress tests to study how his heart reacts when undergoing this type of practice.“Said the little girl’s mother.

“This is why it is extremely important that you continue treatment. This is because Libertad can live like most children his age. Now he has started the first year. He likes to dance, sing, go to the park: he likes to live and the life she leads today is thanks to the solidarity of thousands of people who have accompanied her for four years. So we are very grateful“Delfina concluded.

To help Libertad:

If 4000 people help us with $ 300, it is possible! In order to receive donations, we activate the following means:

Savings bank in Pesos HSBC Bank in the name of JORGE JOSE NORRY (father of Liber) Account number: 3001317362 CBU: 1500054100030013173628 Alias: LIBERTAD.NORRY

MercadoPago Alias: Libertad.Ayuda.2021

$ 300: http://bit.ly/Donar300

$ 500: http://bit.ly/Dona500

$ 1,000: http://bit.ly/Dona1000

$ 5,000: http://bit.ly/Dona5000

And from abroad by PayPal https://www.paypal.me/LibervaaBoston


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