“He’s absolutely right”: Fernández Noroña speaks out in favor of López-Gatell and the alleged coup


‘He’s absolutely right’: Fernández Noroña spoke out in favor of López-Gatell and the alleged coup (Video: Twitter @ vampipe)

Federal MP from the Labor Party (PT), Gerardo Fernández Noroña, supported the statements made by the Under-Secretary for Prevention and Health Promotion, Hugo lopez gatetell, who accused that accusations of drug shortages for children with cancer have “coup” overtones.

In an interview with Rafael Barajas, Mexican cartoonist better known as “El Fisgón”, on the show Chamuco TV, Hugo López-Gatell said that the idea that children with cancer do not have drugs has been presented as a campaign by right-wing groups for “coup” purposes.

“This type of generation of coup tales has sometimes been associated in Latin America with a coup, a coup, and this idea of ​​children with cancer who have no drugs, we see it more and more positioning itself as part of a campaign, beyond the country, to the international right-wing groups who seek to create this wave of sympathy in Mexican citizens, already with an almost coup d’etat vision», He expressed.

Hugo López-Gatell indicated that the idea that children with cancer have no drugs has been positioned as a campaign by right-wing groups for
Hugo López-Gatell indicated that the idea that children with cancer have no drugs has been positioned as a campaign by right-wing groups for “coup” purposes (Photo: Captura / Twitter @ vampipe)

Therefore, the Mexican politician from the PT wrote on his Twitter account that Under Secretary for Health “quite right” to ensure coup takes place through opposition, using a socially sensitive issue like childhood and cancer.

He is absolutely right in the right-wing coup plot and in using the issue of children with cancer, @HLGatell, ”he posted on his social network.

Also, during the program broadcast on Channel 22López-Gatell assured that the shortage was used by the opposition to try to strike the current administration, led by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, and He highlighted two key elements for generating hatred: disinformation and panic.

López-Gatell explained that political parties
López-Gatell explained that political parties “have taken hold of something that is socially very sensitive, which is childhood and cancer, which is inevitably a disease associated with human pain and suffering” (REUTERS / Luis Cortes)

“I say this clearly and openly, the PRI and the PAN, where we have former civil servants and former civil servants, lawmakers from these two parties, who participated in the juicy case of corruption in the supply of drugs in past administrations; no surprise. Fox’s term, Calderón’s term, Peña Nieto’s term and today they are deeply hurt because we have changed the logic of buying drugs and we opened up to the world market, removing local monopolies and oligopolies, where they had a majority stake, ”he said.

He detailed that political parties “have seized on something very sensitive socially, which is childhood and cancer, which is inevitably a disease associated with human pain and suffering ”.

“They created this formula that kids with cancer don’t have drugs. This lie and anyone can ask this question: Why if children with cancer don’t have medicine, we only see 20 people closing the airport? They are the same 20 people since the start of the administration, ”added the undersecretary.

The PRI called the undersecretary's statements
The PRI called the undersecretary’s statements “miserable” and demanded to be separated from his post for “the health of Mexicans” (Photo: screenshot from Twitter @PRI_Nacional).

For the commentary, the official report of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), described as “miserable” the statements of the undersecretary and asked to be separated from his post for “the health of Mexicans”.

“Miserable statements by Under Secretary of Health @HLGatell, when he calls on those who legitimately demand that the Mexican state fulfill its obligations to cancer patients as conspirators. For the health of Mexicans should be removed from the post immediately», Published the PRI in its official account.

The tweet caught the attention of the PT MP Fernandez Noroña, who He labeled them “putschists and achichincles” for being “funded” by the United States government.

The conspirators and achichincles of the government of the United States that funds them, that’s what they are, phonies @PRI_Nacional ”, he stressed.


PRI has called for López-Gatell’s withdrawal due to comments about children with cancer
Hugo López-Gatell: “This idea of ​​children with cancer without drugs … is part of an almost ‘coup’ campaign”
“Inhumanity and shame”: Denise Dresser and Loret de Mola against López-Gatell for the alleged “coup plot” of children with cancer

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