He's disguised as an "old man" and robbed a bank with a toy gun | Chronic


Disguised as an elderly man and wearing a silicone mask, a former bank employee was arrested Monday in southern Brazil after trying to rob a bank.

According to the militarized police, the subject allegedly put a mask to simulate the face of an old man, would wear sunglbades and a beret in order to search a bank in the city of Jaraguá do Sul, in the 39 State of Santa Catarina. .

The man broke into the bank branch with a plastic weapon and came to take hostages, but abandoned the robbery, according to military police Jaraguá do Sul.

Costume used in the attempted robbery in this non bank Jaraguá do Sul center, does not start in the late afternoon second feira (12). Or the author was imprisoned the hair of the military police, who also used a weapon. At any time, find out more.
We're 14 Batalhão pic.twitter.com/QuYYkavwRY

– PMSC Jaraguá do Sul 14BPM (@ PMSC14BPM)
August 12, 2019

The former worker, trying to escape, threw himself through one of the windows of the building and broke his leg after falling on a vehicle that was in the street. The police then arrested him.

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"He was alone and when he realized that it would not be possible to withdraw value or leave with metallic money, he fell into despair and, during the confusion, is thrown out the window "says the commissioner Daniel Dias For a local radio.


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