“He’s over there”: the dramatic request for help written on a banknote | the Chronicle


Afraid and helpless to face his stalker, a Brazilian woman improvised a written note and handed it to a bank clerk to help her escape the man who bullied her.

“Can you help me? He’s over there”, he scribbled on an ATM ticket which he then gave to the clerk who served at the counter.

The incident took place at a bank branch in Sobradinho, in Brasilia. The woman had reunited with her partner to pull off a mission, according to the Correio Braziliense portal. Due to health restrictions due to the coronavirus, only she was able to enter the building as a family and the man had to stay outside.

It was then that the woman took the opportunity to write the note. It also accompanied the singular request with an X (symbol of the campaign to help women victims of abuse) and the phrase “domestic violence“.

After the surprise, the worker handed the woman a blank sheet of paper and asked her to write down her personal information, including her phone number and address. “But the woman was afraid to pass the phone, because the companion could answer”, the employee counted later.

Finally, another person from the entity contacted the military police in Planaltina. Shortly after receiving the complaint, agents from the Provid (Prevention Oriented Into Domestic Violence) group went to the address the woman had written down and arrested the man who had abused her.


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