Hezbollah ties would hit Maduro


One of the problems US officials of the DEA they talked with the retired general Hugo Carvajal, prisoner Spain, is the link with the extremist groupaccording to a survey of The weather of Colombia.

In fact, in recent days, DEA officers have repeatedly entered the Spanish prison Soto del Real, where retired General Hugo Carvajal, former head of Venezuelan intelligence and counterintelligence, is detained.

Simple political act

The soldier refuses to be extradited to the United States for drug trafficking charges, arguing that it is a simple political act. But he agreed to dialogue with the federal government to obtain judicial benefits in exchange for information What is it? Nicolás Maduro and the bishops who keep him in power.

<img data-attachment-id = "224487" data-permalink = "https://www.baditica.com/opinion/venezuela-the-principal-element-of-hezbollah-in-america/attachment/mideast-lebanon- ashoura-day / "data-orig-file =" https://www.baditica.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/hezbollah.jpg "data-orig-size =" 792 384 "data-comments- open = "1" data-image-meta = "{" opening ":" 0 "," credit ":" ASSOCIATED PRESS "," camera ":" "," caption ":" Shiite Muslim supporters of Hezbollah, sitting on Imam Hussein, death while they watch the story of the death of Ashoura Day, in the southern suburbs of Beirut, Lebanon on Sunday, November 25, 2012. The Ashoura day is the memory of the year 680 AD. battle in which their saint and grandson of the prophet Mohammed, Hussein, was killed by rivals who cemented the split of Islam between Shiites and Sunnis. The Arabic script on their jackets reads, "On your service Hussein, on your service the Prophet Muhammad." (AP Photo / Hussein Malla) "," created_timestamp ":" 1353829897 "," copyright ":" AP2012 "," focal_length ":" 0 "," iso ":" 0 "," shutter_speed ":" 0 ", "title": "Ashoura Day of the Middle East", "orientation": "0"} "data-image-title =" Middle East Day of Lebanon Ashoura "data-image-description ="

(AP Photo / Hussein Malla)

"data-medium-file =" https://www.baditica.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/hezbollah-600×291.jpg "data-large-file =" https://www.baditica.com /wp-content/uploads/2015/01/hezbollah.jpg "clbad =" alignnone full-size wp-image-224487 "src =" https://www.baditica.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01 /hezbollah.jpg "alt =" "width =" 792 "height =" 384 "srcset =" https://www.baditica.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/hezbollah.jpg 792w, https: / /www.baditica.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/hezbollah-600×291.jpg 600w "values ​​=" (maximum width: 792px) 100vw, 792px "/>

The weather established that one of the questions on the table is that of the regime's links with the terrorist group Hezbollah, which the Trump Government This is the main threat to security in your country.

There are those who believe that this issue, as well as the gigantic operation of money laundering with appeals Clap Food Boxes -Revélé eight days ago by the Treasury Department-, could end up closing the international barrier to the Maduro regime. And in this chapter, a Colombian is the key: Álex Saab Morán.

Pbadports and land

Sure Hezbollahthere are signs of all kinds. His spokespersons were the first to leave supporting Maduro on January 24after Juan Guaidó was sworn in as interim president. Three days later, from Beirut, the Venezuelan ambbadador, Jesús González meet Mohammad Raad, Hezbollah parliamentary leader, who said that "the Islamic resistance is on the side of Venezuela and its legitimate rulers".

And at eight days, in the Peoples Congress, the Vice President Delcy Rodríguez -With several trips to countries where Hezbollah is present- was photographed with the & # 39; hatta & # 39; or 'kufiyya & # 39; traditional, the Palestinian handkerchief that also usually uses Hasan Nasrallah, leader of this extremist group.

"Our solidarity with the Palestinian people … We know that he was a victim of imperialism and Zionism," said Rodriguez on this occasion.

But beyond symbolism of these episodes, Carvajal should demonstrate supposed alliances of Hezbollah with Tareck El Aissami, Vice President of Economic Zone and Minister of Industry of Venezuela.

Take them out of the radar

The self-proclaimed Chavan Radical is of Syro-Lebanese origin and he's credited with managing this 173 Syrians, Lebanese, Jordanians, Iraqis and Iranians linked to Hezbollah get pbadport Venezuelan to remove them from the radar of the agents who follow them.

The operation was coordinated by the Venezuelan embbadies in Damascus (Syria) and Jordan, where he worked Husam el Aissami, a relative of Tareck el Aissami, that the United States has already sanctioned.

In addition, El Tiempo has established that For at least three years, members of Hezbollah they settled in the Bolivar State, rich in gold mines and diamonds. They say that they are close to the Guri – Source of the recent wave of power outages – and which maintain circles of security.

This ended with tourism

The information was confirmed by Américo De Grazia, opposition MP from this regionwho also specified that the arrival of terrorist group ended with income tourism I had this area.

"You do not know in exchange for what Tareck Aissami helped these people to come in. They bought the land where the legal business was working and brought people out," De Grazia told El Tiempo.

Thursday, the newspaper The New York Times revealed that Venezuelan intelligence services have documents that would prove the links between Tareck the Aissami with Hezbollah.

The Saab factor

The United States is also attentive to the fate of Colombian Alex Saab, figurehead of Maduro, according to the prosecutor in exile, Luisa Ortega.

This Wednesday, the The prosecutor will try to accuse him with charges For the third time, smuggling tissues and requesting a red Interpol circular for its capture.

Alex Saab // Photo: Repository

In this case, a request is added, reserved for its supposed links with Hezbollah, officer of the Central Directorate of Judicial Police and Intelligence (Colombian National Police Department) filtered, and its lucrative business with the so-called Clap boxes, which for the United States make it a "financial facilitator of the scheme".

The defense of Saab categorically denies testaferrato, bleaching and smugglingand even more the links with Hezbollah. But some people think that if it ends up being caught in Clap's hands or if they emit the red flyer, it would be a blow to the regime.

The Clap is another subject

For the moment, United States follows clap business trail that Saab moved to Turkey. Shortly after the arrival of the Barranquillero, the Venezuelan gold exchange for Turkish food began.

And the The DEA is also investigating another complaint already known by the Colombian prosecutor's office: the loss of 230,000 weapons from Venezuelan military bases.. L & # 39; NGOs FundaRedes he says that part of the arsenal would have been in the hands of the National Liberation Army and dissidents of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia.

As for Hezbollah, Mike Pompeo, Secretary of State, has already issued a warning: "Its active cells have an impact on the lives of Venezuelans and South America. And we have the obligation to reduce this risk"


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