Hezbollah: who are they and why are they related to the AMIA bombing?


On the eve of the 25th anniversary of the AMIA bombing, the national government issued three resolutions in the Official Journal, in which Decree 489/2019 specifically targets the creation of the public register of persons and entities related to acts of terrorism and their financing (RePET).

In addition to this point, Macri is about to sign another initiative such as the creation of the National Registry of Suspicious Terrorist Persons and Organizations (RENAPOST).

It is in this entity that one seeks to include the Hezbollah group, or also known as the Party of God, presented as a Shiite political, social and military organization that resides mainly in the Lebanese Republic.

Is it a terrorist organization?

The answer to this question will be significant distances depending on the person consulted. For the United States and allied Middle East countries like Israel or Saudi Arabia, Hezbollah is a terrorist organization.

In reality, they are accused of numerous attacks, including that which took place against the US Embbady in Beirut (capital of Lebanon) in 1983.

It is in this line that a large part of the national government has been pronounced Patricia Bullrich in the head who said a few hours ago that "this organization will be condemned as a terrorist organization".

For those who support it, Hezbollah is a resistance movement that drove Israel out of Lebanon. It is for this reason that his political and military influence has increased in recent years, gaining parliamentary representation and intervening in major international conflicts such as the war in the Syrian Arab Republic.

Shiites or Sunnis, what's the difference?

The division is extremely complex, knowing that it dates back to the year 632, the death of the Prophet Muhammad and the subsequent dispute over the right to rule Muslims.

While the two branches have coexisted for centuries, sharing many beliefs and practices, Sunnis and Shiites maintain significant differences in doctrine, rituals, laws, and organization. In addition, many recent conflicts have aggravated this division.

Sunnis are clearly the majority of Muslims (about 90%) and present themselves as the most traditional branch of Islam. They worship all the prophets mentioned in the Qur'an, but especially Muhammad, considered the definitive prophet.

The Shiites present themselves as the party of Ali. Was? Ali in question was the son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad and the caliph who was killed. The truth is that their children, Hbadan and Hussein, were denied the disputed legitimate right to succeed him. It is from this genesis that his practices are evoked by the duel and the faith.

Hezbollah emerges with the financial backing of Iran in the early 1980s from a struggle to expel Israeli troops from Lebanon. The rejection of Israel and its withdrawal from Lebanese territory in 2000, are part of the ideological agglutinative banner of the party.

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