High-speed trains and an oil pipeline, the secrets of ISIS in Europe – 15/04/2019


European security forces and secret services have long warned that jihadist terrorism remains a threat to Europe despite the fact that over the past two years there has been no no big mbadacre the size of Paris or Brussels.

EL ISIS He gives the reason for these warnings then, according to two European newspapers, his last stronghold in Syria was a computer hard drive containing documents from which it appears that the Islamic State group had planned to organize major terrorist attacks in Europe.

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According to the British newspaper The Sunday Times and Belgian flamenco Het Laatste NieuwsISIS is reported to have planned new terrorist mbadacres on European territory. The information is based on the contents of documents on a hard drive discovered by Kurdish troops in Baghouz, the last stronghold controlled by the Islamic State in Syria, a small town near the Iraqi border.

One of the problems that calls the attention of the secret services and the anti-terrorist police is the return to Europe of tens or hundreds of young people who went to Syria and Iraq to fight alongside the Islamic State and al Qaeda, and their potential as a terrorist threat.

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The majority is deadbut in Kurdish prisons, there are about 800 jihadists with European pbadports and the block governments are wary when it comes to responding to Kurdish demands and taking care of their citizens.

The documents make no reference to the ISIS's desire to repeat in Europe the large-scale attacks and with dozens of deaths perpetrated in 2015 and 2016 in Paris and the same year in Brussels. In Paris, more than 130 people died in Brussels.

According to the two newspapers, the Islamic State has even set specific terrorist targets for its commandos: attack and aim German high-speed trains and pipeline in Switzerland.

The documents, which were found in December, are signed by several top Islamic State officials, including their alleged leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi. A few days after the discovery of this hard drive in Syria, a failed attempt on a train line in Berlin.

The idea of ​​the Islamic State was to predict that it would lose the territories it controlled in Syria and Iraq, affected in Europe through its network of jihadists. Several of the terrorists who attacked Paris and Brussels crossed their ranks in Syria. To finance these attacks and the loss of territorial control in the Middle East, the Islamic State asks its jihadists in Europe to finance by theft.

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In the documents, it says: "We are his (Allah's) soldiers in Europe, we see what the enemies of Allah do to our Muslim brothers by killing them by bombings at home. ".

He also explains how ISIS continues to manage its international network, forces its jihadists to cross borders, how its operations are financed and even how it plans to steal banks for large amounts of cash.

According to the newspapers that revealed the existence of the hard drive, this also includes documents that command an ISIS member called Abu Khabab Al-Muhajir the international operations directorate of the terrorist group, including its intention to continue attacking Europe.

The documents say that Al-Muhajif has three terrorist commands under his control: one in Russia and two in Germany.

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