His brother was "brain dead" and disconnected, but there was a problem – 01/29/2019


The story began on July 15 New York, when the St. Barnabas Hospital, the Bronx He received an unconscious man who appeared to have undergone an overdose. The patient had a social security card that indicated that his name was Freddy Clarence Williams, 40 years.

With these data, the hospital was then put in touch with their loved ones. So, the doctors were able to locate the alleged sister of the man, Shirell Powell. They told her what had happened and she went to the hospital urgently.

So, they showed the man that he had a tube in the mouth and swollen face. She agreed that it was her brother. Despite the serious condition of the patient, she never doubted her identity.

Shirell Powell with a picture of her brother in the New York Post publication.

Shirell Powell with a picture of her brother in the New York Post publication.

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Monday to Friday afternoon.

"He had tubes in his mouth and a neck brace," Shirell told the New York Post. "I was a little bloated", but "He looked a lot like my brother". The man "had not spoken since his admission to the hospital," added the woman, "so they just badumed that he was my brother".

After two days of medical tests, a doctor told him that the patient had suffered brain death. "It was my youngest brother," says the 48-year-old woman. "It was really painful." "I was worried, hurt, crying, screaming, calling everyone," he adds. "It was a horrible feeling," Telemundo said.

With no hope of healing, Powell called other members of his family to bid him farewell. Another of her sisters, when she arrived at the clinic, doubted the patient's identity. "It's not my brother," he says. But at the insistence of others, she chose to close the story and think that she was confused.

Freddy Williams, one of the unintentional protagonists of this incredible story.

Freddy Williams, one of the unintentional protagonists of this incredible story.

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On July 29, Powell authorized the hospital to suspend its vital activities, according to court documents. "It was very devastating," he explains, "I was crying." Previously, her 17-year-old niece was crying "hysterically" to say good-bye to her father at the hospital, "holding her hand, kissing her, crying".

After death, the autopsy confirmed that the deceased was not his brother. The forensic service called it "just in time" while preparing for the burial: "We would have buried another person," recalls one of his sisters.

Shirell Powell told her story at the New York Post.

Shirell Powell told her story at the New York Post.

The incredible confusion occurred because the deceased and the real brother called each other equal and even of the same age. They soon discovered that his real brother was arrested on July 1 in Manhattan. A few weeks later, they could see him in prison.

"On the one hand, thank you for not being [mi hermano]"He explains," but on the other hand, I killed someone who was father or brother. "Now, the woman will judge the clinic of the suffering he had to undergo to see the real situation, but we knew nothing about the family of the deceased.


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