His Cell Phone Was Stolen From The Bus, He Tried To Chase The Thief, Fell Head Down On The Asphalt And Died | the Chronicle


Liz Vera fell from a moving bus after being assaulted in Asunción, Paraguay, and died after several days of agony. He was in an artificial coma and with a reserved prognosis after this accident.

The young woman was admitted to Trauma hospital, after having has suffered a severe concussion product of the fall of the moving vehicle.

It all happened on Sunday last week when Liz was traveling to a Paraguari company unit and was the victim of a robbery in which a criminal pulled out her cell phone and ran away.

In an attempt to chase him down and retrieve his cell phone, he fell on the asphalt after the driver will speed up the walk. This Sunday, the family and friends of the young woman had organized a solidarity event for the benefit of the young woman to pay the costs of your hospitalization.

Police arrested the suspected criminal, who has been identified as Pablo Daniel Corvalan. In addition, the driver of the Paraguarí company was arrested and charged with non-assistance because he did not stop walking.

After this event and other committed in recent weeks, the Paraguay’s Interior Ministry ordered several changes in police leadership.


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