His girlfriend left him and revenge killed him, his new partner, his parents and his brother


A 25-year-old man murdered his ex-girlfriend and four of his relatives. The incident occurred on Sunday 6 October in the Austrian city of Kitzbühel Police arrived at the scene after the murderer appeared in front of them and confess to being the author of the crimes.

Early versions indicate that the young man arrived Sunday morning at the home of his ex-partner with the intention of talking to him. When she arrived, the girl's father did not allow her to enter. For this reason, the man went home, close to that of his ex, searched for the rifle of his brother and he came back to commit the crimes.

His former father-in-law was the first to be killed as soon as he reopened the door. Then come his ex-mother-in-law, his ex-brother-in-law and finally his 19-year-old ex-girlfriend and his new partner, who was also in the place, according to the Spanish media. L & # 39; vanguard.

Austrian crime 07102019
Security forces in the house where the five bodies were found. Photo: AFP

Then the murderer went to the nearest police station and surrendered. The head of the Criminal Police Office of the State of Tyrol, Walter Pupp, detailed hours later in a televised press conference: "The 25-year-old man has put a gun and knife at the counter, saying that he had just killed five people. "When the troops arrived on the scene, they confirmed the presence of the bodies.

Austrian crime 07102019
The massacre occurred in a house in the Austrian town of Kitzbühel. Photo: AFP

The authority added that the man, "known to be a calm person, that had no criminal record and from which one could not expect a violent act, "he admitted his guilt, and" he was sorry. "

Research When they start looking for evidence and gather evidence, the investigators believe that the murderer would have ended his relationship with the young woman a few weeks ago.

Austrian crime 07102019
The crimes occurred in the early hours of Sunday, October 6. Photo: AFP

The event caused a shock in Austria and especially in Kitzbühel, an idyllic alpine enclave in the east of the country, home to around 8,000 people.

The local mayor, Klaus Winkler, defined what happened as an "atrocity". He also added that it was "a surprising and incredible tragedy", as both families, both the victims and the alleged murderer, are "very much appreciated by the region".



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