His mother wanted to take her to the psychiatrist and killed her


In 2016, the woman adopted the nine-year-old boy.

A 51-year-old woman, who had adopted a child who had problems since her early childhood almost three years ago, was looking for psychiatric help when death surprised her. Or worse than that: she was surprised by the boy himself, armed with a shotgun, who shot him blank and shot him at his home in his Michigan residence, at United States.

The woman, Pauline Marie Randol, had a visit to a psychiatrist with her son-in-law, who is now held in a juvenile detention center. According to county sheriff's deputy Bradley Balk, the boy was already receiving psychiatric badistance to cope with his aggressive attitudes. Despite this, Reagan Martin, Randol's biological daughter, strongly baderted that "if my mother had received help in time, she would still be alive now".

The woman had decided to adopt the baby knowing that he had not had a good time in the early years of his life, during which he had had a very difficult education. However, she took the responsibility of taking care of him as if the boy were his. But despite his good will, he could not handle the obvious problems that the child was showing and was starting to ask for help.

He first consulted the pediatrician, then the community mental health and addiction services of St. Joseph County in Centerville, but encountered a major administrative problem: social security did not cover appointments with specialists as he did not have the money to deal with the treatment in private, he could not start. Even in this case, she collected money and could have access to a psychiatric consultation service, a service in which she could never go, because one day earlier, the child l & # 39; He had shot down.

"The death of my mother is in the hands of people who do not educate their mental problems and who do not listen when asked for help," Reagan said. despite the sadness and pain, described his adoptive brother as a child. "Sweet and loving, but I needed more help than my mother tried to give". Councilor Balk and St. Joseph, John McDonough, did not speak publicly at the time, while Sturgis Public Schools Superintendent Arthur Ebert said: "As only district, our goal is to provide support to our students.But about this case, I do not have much to add because of the delicate nature of this tragedy. "


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