His parents did not take good care of his dog and he killed them


Three days after the crime, Sergey called the police for her surrender. When asked if the dog was behind the murder and disagreed, he replied that his parents and himself "had different opinions and values", since he did not consider humans as a "superior" species in relation to dogs.

At the trial, he stated that at the time of the crime, he knew exactly what he was doing. "I still do not regret it, but I feel I have to pay for what I've done," he admitted.

For her part, the ex-wife of Kudriavtsev, whose name was not revealed, told the police that in 2008, on the death of his dog, her husband had come then to consider suicide. Some time later, the man reproached him for the death of his next pet, a dog named Nikita. This pushed the woman to divorce, since living with Sergey "scared him".

Sergey Kudriavtsev, who will now spend much of his life in jail for double jeopardy, has worked on several Hollywood blockbusters, in addition to those in the Lord of the Rings saga, such as X-Men: The Final Battle, Avatar for James Cameron and Planet of the Apes: (R) Evolution.


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