His voice even works miracles on these devices


If 10 years ago someone would have gone to a TV to talk to him and give him orders like change channels, turn up the volume or leave in half an hour, of course that's # 39, we would have called him mad.

The voice to manage was not possible. Not then. However, advances in voice recognition have made it possible in televisions and mobile phones, and in the future it will even be possible to talk to the car.

Since August 2010, at the IFA Consumer Electronics Fair, the largest in the technology industry, Google was already talking about changing the way we watch TV, using what? they called Google TV at that time. This was not a Google TV, but a device connected to the TV allowed users to consume content by transmitting it from a device, such as a cellphone, to the television.

This equipment became a reality in July 2013, they christened Chromecast and for almost a year they were able to use their voice to open YouTube on the TV, turn off the computer or run other commands .

In other words, it is not the TV that listens directly to the user, good listener is the cell phone, and this transmits the order to the device.

However, there are televisions that listen, and they are not necessarily the latest, they are smarter. In 2012, Samsung introduced an order in its high-end models called Hello Tele. By mentioning these words to the team, this enabled certain options that could be seen on the screen, such as turning off, entering the web browser, opening the Skype application, giving time, among other things ;

LG, the other television giant, had started walking on the way to Samsung a few months earlier when he had announced the LG Magic Control in December 2011. It was a control which included ways to interact. with the device, including a voice button that when pressed is pressed "ears" to the device so that he listened who used it.

The advances that Samsung and LG presented about seven years ago have evolved and of course they are not the same. Samsung, for example, has a voice badistant named Bixby who has integrated some high-end TV models that he's introduced this year. He is also listening to users on the latest flagship mobile phone equipment owned by the South Korean company.

For 2012, listening devices were like a trip to the future, Let the TV hear! It seemed like a movie. Although this is expected, just as the same function has been seen for other very popular computers: smartphones.

If there is a smartphone that listens to its users a few years ago and help to perform tasks on the computer it is the iPhone

This is in 2014 with the launch of the 4S that Apple introduced Siri, an badistant designed to allow people to issue voice commands. With the help of her, saying 'Hey Siri', users could start sending a text message, create a reminder, send an email or set an alarm without using their fingers to go to an application or to type a letter They could do all this with their voice. So people started talking on their phones, and nobody has closed them since.

Google also has its badistant, it has the same name and can be activated in any phone model that uses an operating system greater than or equal to Android 5.0 Lollipop -Marshmallow 6.0, Nougat 7.0 and Oreo 8.0 –

The Google badistant, as it is named in English, started in 2016 on a device called Google Home, a smart speaker used at home to run tasks, if it is paired with other devices, like turning on the TV, putting the clothes on to wash or turning on the radio, all that with the voice, saying Ok Google first.

These two words will only be needed to start the conversation the Mountain View company made the discussions between the man and the machine more fluid, only if the speech has already begun it is not necessary to repeat it, ok Google, to indicate a new task.

Technology The ability to understand these commands through the human voice is due to progress in recognizing this. This is explained by the doctor in computer science and full professor of the Metropolitan Autonomous University of Mexico City, Juan Villegas Cortez .

According to him, teams learned words like yes, no, call, hang, in general, a series of verbs and names that know as if they were a dictionary.

The teacher explains that this has been called the clbadifier theory and he talks about, among other things, vector support machines (a set of learning algorithms) that "badociates the word who stands out at the action to take the device ".

In this sense, an Android smartphone, thanks to the intelligence of the Google Assistant, understands when they tell him to activate a stopwatch, open an e-mail, write a publication on Facebook

Cortez, who is a researcher in the Department of Electronics at the Mexican University, has been developing these algorithms for about 15 years.

According to the teacher's forecast, in six months, a radical change in voice recognition will be seen because of their abilities, provided that they are trained to interact with humans, will advance in the register of words that indicate actions.

There is further research, says Cortez, which is in the hands of Google, Apple, Facebook and other companies not only to understand words, but reach levels of voice recognition that the people have. "For someone, like an badistant in an office, it is very easy to receive five orders at the same time.It is a good badistant, he understands them and executes them; at this intelligence go the badistants voice, "says the doctor in calculus sciences.

And like that is the future, already Google, for example, is getting it. Recently, at its Google I / O developer conference held near its head office in Mountain View on May 8 this year.

There, at its inaugural conference, the technology giant announced that it would be possible to do business. use two combined commands, as well as ask or order two actions in the badistant in one sentence, something complex for artificial intelligence systems.

The same day, the company recognized that the Google Assistant built into Android phones and the smart speaker for the m Aison can now control over 5,000 smart devices, that is, speak to the speaker and they can receive orders without using a single finger.

During his speech at IFA 2017, Fabrice Rousseau, General Manager for Europe, Alexa Skills and Voice Services, pointed out that by voice, technology can be accessible in a more natural and stressed way than effective You will continue to integrate technology into life.

Rousseau points out that this will be achieved primarily for three reasons: voice recognition technology will continue to improve, the device ecosystem is becoming more integrated and people are buying these devices

According to the International Data Company (IDC) research company, in 2017 433.1 million smart home devices were shipped worldwide, compared with the previous year, the growth was 27, 6%. Among those who listen to people, IDC says their sales accounted for $ 4.4 billion. The same company predicts that 939.7 million devices will be shipped by 2022.

"In the smart home market, the category of smart speakers, which includes devices such as Amazon Echo and Google Home, will continue to increase "With all forecasts," says an IDC report released late March

.With three major companies in the market – Apple, Google and Amazon – home badistants , and therefore the voice to manage them, has a very promising future.Of course: they will be as indispensable as a mobile phone.

The usefulness of voice control will be huge, says Professor Villegas, " because it will facilitate the interaction with the devices. "There are already examples, a very simple and daily: to make a call it is no longer necessary to take the cell phone, search the contact in the directory, press the button to call, saying, Hey Siri, Ok Google or Alexa can already be done without touching the phone, and in the future you can talk to your car and say: bring me home.

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