His Wife Dies in an Accident, Is Widowed, Carries Her Baby on Her Back and takes her to work | the Chronicle


Hundreds of stories are going viral on social media, however, there is one that has been shared by thousands of users. It is about a mason who sets to work carrying his son on his back so as not to leave him alone at home after becoming a widower.

So far the identity of the man is unknown, but it is known that He is from Vietnam and the images were shared by his co-workers, who expressed their admiration for his work and responsibility.

In the photos you can see the man carrying the miner on his back as he continues his work on the construction site, all without endangering the child.

The young father carries his son to work.

The story behind photography

In recent weeks, it has emerged that the man had become widowed shortly after the birth of his son. His wife died in a car accident; Additionally, the mason does not have family members nearby to help take care of him.

The man does not have the means to leave his son in a nursery or to hire someone who can take care of him while he goes to work, and in order not to leave him, he chose to carry him only while he’s on the job.

The mason does his job like everyone else and carries heavy bags of cement, as well as buckets full of heavy materials, although he does all of this with his baby on his back.

The comments were immediate on social media, among those who have criticized a baby’s safety on the construction site and others who have not shied away from applauding the man’s hard work when working on a construction site while ensuring the well-being of their child .


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