His wife refused him a chewing gum, became furious and filed for divorce | Chronic


A man asked for his wife's divorce in India because of the fury that drove his wife to refuse him a chewing gum that he had offered her.

Syed Rashid He was with a box of a renowned gum brand and in the midst of a dispute he offered his wife Simmi eating one like that calmed her, but she refused and the subject did not hesitate to officially end their marriage.

According to witnesses, Syed reportedly appeared in the court in Lucknow, the same one who married them in 2004, because of the process her partner took against her in-laws.

It is there that the conversation that resulted in this marriage took place. Plus, Rashid has not doubted and said "talaq " who serves "instant divorce".

Talaq is a form of separation used by some Muslims in India, which avoids Islamic courts.


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