Historic record: US public debt exceeded $ 23 billion


Thus, the total public debt amounted to $ 23,008,410,000 As of October 31, 2019, the Treasury was detailed in a press release.

As the EFE news agency said in the publication of a specialized newspaper of the North American country, "Debt has risen by about 16% since US President Donald Trump came to power in January 2017"when it was $ 19 billion.

The State Department revealed that the US budget deficit rose 26 percent in fiscal 2019 (September 2018 – October 2019) to reach $ 1 trillion ($ 984 billion), a record seven-year . .

The fiscal imbalance as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) increased from 3.8% in 2018 to 4.6% this year.

In 2017, the fiscal imbalance was $ 666 billion and last year was $ 779 billion.

During the election campaign, the current Republican president has repeatedly criticized the deficit of his predecessor, Democrat Barack Obama. However, after the first three years of Trump's tenure, the US deficit increased by almost 50%.

The record deficit was reached in 2009 in the midst of the economic crisis that followed the bursting of the financial bubble and as part of the multi-million dollar fiscal stimulus provided by the Obama administration for bail out the economy.

A mid-year budget agreement between Congress and the executive branch increased the government's spending capacity by 320,000 million US dollars and removed the debt ceiling until July 31, 2021, after the elections of 2020.


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