Historical discovery: they found a tower with 11 …


A team of Mexican archaeologists discovered in Mexico nail tower of human skulls built during the Aztec period which has some 119 calaveras. These are in addition to the 484 identified five years ago, during the discovery of “Huei Tzompantil”, a platform built between 1486 and 1502 in honor of the god of war Huitzilopochtli in antiquity. Tenochtitlan, capital of the Aztec empire on which the Mexican capital was built.

This new deposit was detected several meters deep. Researchers believe it could belong to the east side and exterior facade of Huei Tzompantil, which is 4.7 meters in diameter, according to estimates. “In the eastern part of the tower, 119 human skulls were superficially visualized, in addition to the 484 previously identified,” celebrated the Ministry of Culture and the Institute of Anthropology of Mexico in a statement.

It all began in August 2015, when the first remains of the northwestern part of the structure were located in the archaeological works where the Templo Mayor de Tenochtitlán was erected. It is believed that there are six other similar constructions in the city, yet to be discovered.

In a video released by authorities, many fragmented skulls are seen circular in shape, connected by stone and earth, and details of some of the skulls can even be distinguished.


Most of the skulls correspond to males, although some females and at least three children have also been identified on this east face. Experts attribute the destruction of the skulls to the actions of the Spaniards and their allies during the capture of the city.

“The Tzompantli is, without a doubt, one of the most impressive archaeological finds of recent years in our country, because it is an important testimony to the power and the greatness that Mexico-Tenochtitlan has reached”, a declared Culture Secretary Alejandra Frausto.

According to specialists, it is “a building of life rather than death” because in Mesoamerica, this type of ritual with human beings was a way to keep the gods alive and to fight for the continuity of existence. However, they recognize that it was also “a declaration of power and warlike principles”, as it is believed that some skulls were enemy warriors, and the Tzompantli was shown to rivals in the Aztec Empire as a form of warning.

The Great Tenochtitlán was founded around 1325 by the Aztecs, who dominated many pre-Hispanic peoples until 1521, they fell to the Spanish conquerors, who destroyed most of the last stage of the construction of the skull wall. .

Under the Metropolitan Cathedral, there are remains of the Templo Mayor and the ball field, points regularly visited by international tourism.


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