History: they took a picture of a black hole | Society


"We give humanity the first image of a black hole; it's a way out of our universesaid Sheperd S. Doeleman of the Harvard & Smithsonian Astrophysics Center and owner of the project Horizon Telescope Event (EHT). The scientist said it was "an unprecedented scientific feat by a team of more than 200 researchers."



"We saw what we thought invisible, it's an incredible feat," the researchers said at a press conference.

It's a black hole; scientists reveal first images ???? https: //t.co/BQNOjHNvB8 pic.twitter.com/go5yPcg78G

– Excelsior Newspaper (@Excelsior) April 10, 2019

The historical photo was obtained through a network of eight observatories located in different parts of the planet and shows a ring with one half brighter than the other, which corresponds to the supermbadive black hole youlocated at the center of the M87 galaxy, 53.3 million light-years from Earth.

A black hole is a celestial object that has an extremely large mbad in a very small volume. It would be as if the Earth was squeezed into a thimble or if the sun measured 6 kilometers in diameter, as recently explained Guy Perrin, astronomer at the Paris-PSL Observatory.

Until now, black holes had been theorized, modeled and even detected by indirect evidence, but never observed.


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