"Hitler Pension": controversy over more than 2,000 Nazi employees with disability benefits


The German Ministry of Labor has revealed that 2,033 employees of the Nazi regime They charged in February invalidity pensions. Although the largest number of beneficiaries is in Europe, there are also people who receive the subsidy in other parts of the world, even in Argentina.

The scandal was discovered after Belgian MPs will vote a resolution on February 20 to put end of pension payments by Germany to 18 ex-combatants from his country who collaborated with Nazism during the Second World War. The measure has resulted in strong social pressure on the German government in the pursuit of identification of beneficiaries. However, they protected themselves from the protection of personal data in order not to reveal the profile of the subjects.

The greeting between Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini during the Second World War (Source: AP).
The greeting between Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini during the Second World War (Source: AP).

Grant began to be applied in 1950, and is intended for the civilian and military victims of the armed conflict that developed between 1939 and 1945. However, should exclude ex-combatants, concentration camp guards and convicts for war crimes.

From the Belgian initiative, the German newspaper Bild He published an article in which he baptized the case "Hitler's pension", And denounced the collection of this benefit by people related to the scheme that they are not qualified to receive it.

Given the relevance of the issue at the international level, the Ministry of Labor of Germany declared 2,033 invalidity pensions received by Nazi collaborators from all over the world. Of this total, 1532 are in Europe and the rest are in countries such as Poland, the United States, Canada, Slovenia and even in the United States. Argentina, where they registered 8 collections of the mission.

Global distribution of former employees of the Nazi regime who receive a disability pension (Source: AP).
Global distribution of former employees of the Nazi regime who receive a disability pension (Source: AP).

Abel Basti, a journalist specializing in Nazism, said during a dialogue with TN: "The German law established a pension scheme for people who suffered physical and psychological damage during the war, and today they continue to be accused by people who would then be between 15 and 20 years old"

According to the researcher, the fact that the world is worried at this stage of the collection of this grant is an act of hypocrisy, since during the cold war many hierarchies of the Hitler regime have protected by the international community"During this period, a large part of the high-ranking Nazi personnel then worked in Germany and other countries as civil servants, jobs for which they received salaries and pensions."

"Resolving the problem today involves questioning the subsidies granted to people who were very young at the time, who had no hierarchy and who had suffered damage during the war", continued Basti, adding: "I'm not saying that we should not do it, I think it's pretty hypocriticalwhen the Western world recycled the Nazis on a large scale for their benefit in the war against communism ".

The full interview


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