Hold of five dead trucks and more than 30 trucks of humanitarian aid – Télam


Repression in Venezuela

The information was provided this afternoon by the Special Commission for Monitoring Humanitarian Aid, which counted 161 demonstrations across the country, 8 blocked border crossings, 2 trucks entered, 34 arrests, 94 wounded and 5 dead.

In the middle of the afternoon, opposition MP Gaby Arellano denounced the fact that three of the trucks that had left Colombia to go to Ureña, in the Venezuelan state of Táchira, to transport the cargo of humanitarian aid had been burned by the Bolivarian National Police (PNB).

The border near Cúcuta was one of the hotspots of the day, the other being the region that connects the Brazilian city of Pacaraima, in the state of Roraima, in the last two years, where thousands of Venezuelans emigrated to search for the basic living conditions they lacked.

Until now, only one truck, held by the Bolivarian security forces, would have pbaded.
Dr. Julio Castro, coordinator of the technical badistance team, said that at the border with Brazil, in Santa Elena de Uairén, had burned a truck filled with food and medicine.

Castro said the contents of this aid package consisted of dietary supplements for children suffering from severe and moderate malnutrition, insulin, morphine and saline, among other elements.

The coordinator also badured that "the Santa Elena Hospital was besieged with firearms" and that the wounded bullets could not be transferred to Brazil, although it was subsequently announced that & ### In Brazil, at least 13 wounded were transferred from the other side of the city. the border with Venezuelan ambulances.

Later in the afternoon, protesters allegedly attacked a border post between Brazil and Brazil and attacked with a Molotov bomb. Venezuelan security agents had to let the trucks through all day.

In Caracas, protesters focused on the La Carlota military base to push for the 50 countries that recognize the self-appointed president, Juan Guaidó, to carry food and medicine as Venezuela's sole legitimate authority. .

Although there were also demonstrations of Chavez, in Caracas and in the interior of the country.
With this panorama, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro said this afternoon that "the coup d'etat failed in the civil-military union".

"The victory belongs to us," said Maduro, reelected in an opposition-challenged election, which led the US-led group of countries to not recognize him as legitimate president. although they did it in a different group of countries. which highlight Russia, China and Bolivia.

Maduro again repudiated the insistence of the opposition to submit to the orders of "the empire to continue to bet on the interventionism of the US government" against the country, "but the justice will be returned to Venezuela for peace, "he said at a rally held at the corner of Carmelitas, in downtown Caracas, the arrival point of the Chavismo March.


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