Holland also prohibits the burqa


In the midst of rebellions and demonstrations of Muslims, the ban on using any type of garment that hides the face – burkas, nikabs, balaclavas – in public spaces will take effect today in Holland. , which joins Denmark, France and Austria and Belgium, where the restriction already reigns.

The rule defines the prohibition as "partial" and not "total" because it only limits the use of such clothing in public places such as schools, hospitals, public transportation and buildings government.

Islamist scarves, which do not cover the faces of women, are not included in this new law, which was to come into force in early July, but its application has been postponed at the request of several schools, so as not to complicate the end of the process. school year or provoke tension with those who use this Islamic outfit.

The controversial rule, approved in 2016 by MPs and in 2018 by senators, raises questions about how compliance will be required.

For the moment, his ignorance is punishable by a fine of 150 euros, with the exception of those who use it to protect his body for his health, safety, sport or work.

Public transport

The entrance of a person with a hidden face will be prohibited on buses or trains, but drivers are not allowed to enforce the law. The transport companies have therefore made it clear that they would inform pbadengers of the ban, but would avoid any type of accident with them and they will not stop the vehicle while the police arrive.

The police, after consulting with the Hague government, said in a note that it would not go "after a moving group where a person broke the law covering his face" and recalled that Entering the police station with a burka or hood is "breaking the rule."

Faced with confusion and protests, a spokesman for the Dutch Ministry of the Interior said that he would continue to talk to the relevant authorities "to discuss the implementation" of the law and stressed that " when there is a new rule, there are always doubts about how to force respect "

At the same time, the Dutch Federation of University Hospitals has rejected law enforcement, fearing that women with burqa avoid medical care if they are not allowed to enter the center and warned that hospitals "should not be held responsible for compliance with the law". of the norm, which is the responsibility of the police and the judiciary ".

The ban was put on the agenda 13 years ago by the far-right politician Geert Wilders, who demanded a total ban on the burka because, according to him, this prevents the Integration of women into the social and professional life of the country.

In response to this ban, the Islamist party Rotterdam Nida proposed to pay fines to women who choose to continue wearing this garment in public spaces, and warned that "freedom of religion is at stake" and that standard that leads to the stigma and isolation "of women who wear the full veil.

The Netherlands follows the measures taken by Denmark, France, Austria, Latvia, Bulgaria and Belgium, where the ban spreads even in the street, a measure backed by the European Court of Human Rights, which ruled in 2014 that this legislation "This does not violate religious freedoms."

In Germany and Norway, there is also a partial ban, limited to state officials when they must interact with the public.

In 2017, following a call from three Muslims against the prohibitive legislation of Belgium, the court declared that the ban was "absolutely legitimate".

Printed edition

The original text of this article was published on 01/08/2019 in our print edition.


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