Holland, orange and on the street to celebrate his birthday with King Guillermo Alejandro – 27/04/2019


King Holanda's Guillermo Alejandro dyed his country in orange this Saturday on the occasion of "King's Day", a national holiday in which the Dutch in turn to celebrate the monarch's birthday, which was only tarnished a decade ago, with an attempt to attack the royal family.

As is the tradition, Queen Máxima and her three daughters – princesses Amalia, Alexia and Ariane – traveled to a Dutch city. This year it was the turn of Amersfoort, in the province of Utrech, where citizens received the monarch dressed in shirts, pants and even orange hats, music and shows.

The royal family is posing in the town of Amersfoort, in the province of Utrech, Holland. EFE / EPA / PHIL NIJHUIS / SWIMMING POOL

The royal family is posing in the town of Amersfoort, in the province of Utrech, Holland. EFE / EPA / PHIL NIJHUIS / SWIMMING POOL

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Monday to Friday afternoon.

At the beginning of the visit, a group of students sang the song "Mooi" (Bonita) in front of the whole Orange family, before starting their walk about one kilometer into the city, greeting people, clutching hand, take pictures with residents and receive flowers and gifts from each other.

The monarchs were accompanied in their walk by several members of royaltyamong them Prince Constantine and Princess Lorenza, Prince Maurits and his wife Marilene of Orange-Nbadau, as well as Prince Bernardo van Vollenhoven and Princess Annette.

"It's a big party." With the rest of the region, Amersfoort shows how you can coexist with different cultures. The party was great and in a beautiful city", Assured Guillermo Alejandro.

King William Alexander of Holland celebrates this Saturday his 52nd birthday at a national holiday with activities throughout the country. / EFE / Imane Rachidi

King William Alexander of Holland celebrates this Saturday his 52nd birthday at a national holiday with activities throughout the country. / EFE / Imane Rachidi

Alcohol is the king of the holidays all over the country on this date. The birthday of the monarch It is the only day of the year when it is allowed to drink on the street without incurring a fine for this reason, from the first hour of the morning, the Dutch circulated beers in hand, dancing in front of all the scenes installed in the streets with live music.

Some preferred not to dance too much and chose to throw the house out the window and make money enjoying the party: many families removed the carpets at the doors of their homes, where they exposed all pieces, clothes, tools, jewelery and antiques that no longer interest them and put them on sale.

Some activists, however, did not take leave. Several members of "Extinction Rebellion Netherlands" have jumped into a channel in Amersfoort, wearing lifejackets, to draw attention to global warming and climate change, as they warn that if sea level s & # 39; 39 student, this city will be one of the first to disappear. .

Security was one of the key issues of the visit of the Dutch royal family to Amersfoort. In addition to security guards who have followed the members of the monarchy, a group of uniformed police every 20 meters has plainclothes officers dressed as civilians among the public.

In 2009, during the festivities of Queen's Day – then with the monarch Beatriz, who turns 30, in April – a 28-year-old Dutchman, Karst Tates, he ran with his car to the mob of the municipality of Apeldoorn to try to badbadinate the royal family I was walking in a convertible bus through the city.

Eight people, including the attacker, died during this attack, but the entire royal family escaped unscathed.

In memory of this attack, the municipality will hold a public meeting of relatives of the victims in the Grote Kerk (large church) of Apeldoorn and will place two binders containing letters, flowers and stuffed animals on the premises of the community. attack, ten years ago.

Since this badbadination attempt, blocks have been installed in the access to the roads through which a real visit will take place, whatever the day, to prevent cars and vans from approaching from the family.

According to a study published this week on the occasion of the King's Day, 65% of Dutch people think that Guillermo Alejandro is a monarch who knows the real situation of the country, 10% less than in 2018, while that 79% still think that the monarch represents the Netherlands well abroad.

However, Queen Máxima, of Argentine descent, remains the most popular member of the Dutch royal family, before the king himself, according to the respondents.

Source: EFE


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