homes are almost all occupied


Reservations close to full capacity, constant requests, organized events and, above all, the expectation of having four days that will allow them to better face the winter months than in 2020: the main tourist destinations in the region are preparing for the best path for the long Easter weekend, with prospects that – so far – allow us to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

In the retinas of providers, the image of last year is still maintained when they had to close their doors and cancel reservations due to the emerging pandemic – at the time – of Coronavirus; several of them, even after investing heavily towards the end of last season. Everything collapsed: the recalled decree of necessity and emergency 297 forced everyone to self-isolate, and the sector began to travel between eight and nine months without thinking, without being able to generate any type of income and many times dependent exclusively on state aid. .

However, after a very interesting summer for the various tourist centers in our region – in some they have even come to recognize that it is the best summer season of recent times – the four days which go from Thursday to Holy Sunday mean the last possibility of money income for a long time.

Last December, the national government was more than clear: if there were no inconveniences linked to the increase in the number of positive cases of Covid-19, the season would extend until April 4 inclusive; And although the authorities are betting on promoting domestic tourism for now, many providers in the region fear that the activity is likely to be severely restricted in the weeks to come.

In the meantime, the expectations and the figures for the last long weekend of the summer 20/21 season seem dreamy: last Wednesday, in many places, there was already talk of reservation rates oscillating between 90 and 100%, and we have asked people to consult before going on a trip to find accommodation. It has also been indicated that once again it will be necessary to obtain a permit through the Cuidar Verano app.

In addition, as a novelty in certain neighborhoods in the region, musical shows will be added. Of course, in all cases, health protocols and capacities will be the order of the day.

The Comarca Serrana de Tornquist, as we know, has had one of the best summers in recent years, after a year of pandemic which forced several providers to close the doors of their accommodation and businesses. The four most important days of the coming Holy Week seem to fall in this line.

“We have an average of 90% of reservations in the whole district, and in certain tourist sites of the district, we have already reached the hundred percent”, he assured.New.»The head of the tourist area of ​​Tornquistense, Gustavo Sandobal.

In this regard, the official recalled that it will be necessary to process the traffic permit to enter the neighborhood and that many places will operate with reduced capacity due to the health protocols in force.

“We know the summer season lasts until Easter Sunday. We ask people to come with reservations, because this date, and beyond the fact that we are in a pandemic, has always been one of the busiest weekends of the year, ”he said. Explain.

For his part, Franco Gentili, responsible for the tourist area of ​​Monte Hermoso, acknowledged that there are great expectations for next weekend, since a positive influx of the public “would be a great way to end a good season. in such a tough year “.

“Basically what is needed is that the weather is with us, especially because during the weekends in March it was cool, and the influx of people is very noticeable when the weather is favorable,” said he points out.

In addition, he pointed out that over the next few days discounts of up to 50% on accommodation will be maintained.

“It has been a good tool throughout the month, so let’s hope people can take advantage of it,” said the official, who acknowledged that no type of event will be taking place on this date – as he is. has done on other occasions – as the policy of not staging massive events that could lead to overcrowding will continue.

“For these dates, we will be looking for tourists to come and enjoy a natural Monte Hermoso; we want to end the summer in the best possible way. We understand that we have the health situation under control, and we hope that those who will come will take care of themselves and that we will be able to end the summer season in a peaceful manner, ”he concluded.

From Adolfo Alsina, Tourism Secretary Vanesa Neubauer assured that expectations for the next few days are very good and said that at the start of the week there was already a high percentage of bookings.

“We believe there will be a significant movement. In addition, to everything that Carhué and Epecuén offer as a destination, this time we are adding several activities to the whole weekend, respecting – of course – the corresponding protocols ”, he specified.

In this sense, he pointed out that different activities that had already been developed during the long weekend of the carnivals will be taken up and promoted, such as the Paseo de Artesanos, guided tours of different points located around the lagoon of Epecuén and bird watching of the place, among others.

“We are also organizing a live band to perform on the same artisanal promenade, in the playón sector of the tourist area. Hope this weekend the weather is with us, so people can enjoy the outdoors and the beach, which is always very beautiful.

“And above all, after a difficult year, that all the tourism servers can once again spend a long weekend with all their might,” he concluded.

From Bahía San Blas

Betiana Giménez, head of the Bahía San Blas tourist information office, said bookings are growing at a good pace, both for the hotel and non-hotel sector.

“People continue to choose these destinations to enjoy long weekends and getaways. In any case, we recommend that those in need of accommodation contact the office first. We suggest coming with traffic permits and prior reservation, ”he said.

Regarding the activities that will take place the next long weekend at Fishermen’s Paradise, he pointed out that there will be plenty of options for the whole family.

“On Friday, for example, we will have a children’s fishing competition, with free registration, and we will continue with a filleting demonstration and a master class on cooking corvina and ceviche at the silverside, as well as a tasting,” a he clarified.

Meanwhile, on Saturday, activities will include a fishing competition for the biggest piece, an open folklore class, and live music.


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