Hong Kong: Nearly two million people took to the streets in favor of democracy


The number of participants provided by the police, at only 128,000 at the time of the biggest influx, was contradicted by the images on TV channels and streaming on social networks, which show a compact wave of umbrellas. life in the afternoon at various walks, some unauthorized, in addition to the largest that has crossed the center of the city, without incident.

Hong Kong protests against Bloomberg.mp4

The protests began in July with the rejection of the law on extradition to China.

Source: Bloomberg

The call of the day was launched three very strong messages to Governor Carrie Lam and the Central Government in Beijing: the majority of the protesters peacefully participate in anti-extradition law initiatives in China. And there is no intention on the horizon to take a step back, despite the strong pressures.

In short: there is a desire to maintain the economic damage in the short term by focusing on the long-term gains (especially in terms of rights protection) sought by students, activists and ordinary citizens.

According to official figures, The Hong Kong Stock Exchange has lost more than $ 600 billion (-12%) of capitalization since the upsurge in fighting in early July.; GDP grew only 0.6% in the second quarter, with forecasts being even more black for the entire year, pointing to a recession. At the same time, the local government has announced a multi-million dollar program to support the economy.

"Hong Kong Free"; "Democracy Now" and "No Revolt" were the most talked about slogans of the time to contradict Beijing's reading of "radical, close to terrorism" and US-influenced demonstrations.

China has hardened its position: You wenze, spokesman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National People's Congress – one of the two branches of Parliament – last Saturday asked the perpetrators of violations of Hong Kong laws and criticism of the movement "external forces" .

Saturday, the front in favor of China said it had mobilized 476,000 people, against 108,000 according to the police.

Initiated in violation of the extradition law to China – frozen but never repealed -, the demonstration turned into a battle for democratic freedoms provided for in the 1997 agreement that sealed the pbadage from British excolonia to Beijing, but such is the accusation. they found themselves under pressure from President Xi Jinping's rise to power.

A month ago, the pro-democracy movement has submitted five unanswered requests: final withdrawal of the extradition law, resignation of Governor Lam, revision of the definition of "revolt" of clashes by local government, independent inquiry into brutality of the police and the release of those arrested.


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