Horacio Jaunarena: "Milani is the expression of what the army is in Venezuela"


The former Minister of Defense De la Rúa participated in News Therapy, LN, and commented on the state of the military


Horacio Jaunarena, former Minister of Defense under the presidency of

Fernando de la Rúa

, participated in

New therapies,

the program published by

LN +

. Parallel to the political situation in Venezuela, he was questioned about the risk that the country could incur in case of possible return of a more authoritarian populism in a scenario of strengthening the powers of the armed forces.

Jaunarena said, "Populism works like this.

[César] Milani

, is the expression in Argentina of what are the military in Venezuela. "And he concluded:" Milani spoke of entrusting Cristina Kirchner with the army and the budget support he had received had not been received by any soldier before. "

Horacio Jaunarena: "I think that civilians have changed the mentality about the armed forces"


In addition, he commented on the current state of the armed forces. "There is a change in mentality among civilians and in the Forces cadre today who has nothing to do with what they had 40 years ago," he said. did he declare.

Jaunarena argued that the political clbad should define the duties of this body vis-à-vis the threats of the world today. "They must cooperate to recover what Argentina has lost: its airspace, sea, river and land," he said. For the former minister, it does not take much budget, but "clear ideas" and a system of priorities. "It is necessary that the prefecture and the army agree to monitor our sea as they should," he added.

And he insisted on the need to establish clear rules and a possible regional defense system with Chile and Brazil. "In this world of multiple threats, unilateral responses are failing," he said.

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