Horacio Reyser: There is an excellent opportunity to develop our exports


In this context, the manager stated that the agreement was "A great opportunity to develop our exports" because "This will expand market opportunities for SMEs and regional economies".

For the moment, the implementation of the agreement will depend on the approval of the parliaments of each of the countries that have signed the trade agreement. Unlike the agreement with the European Union, EFTA is not a customs union but each country has its own tariffs and tariffs. This implies that if Switzerland and Argentina approve it, the agreement comes into force for both countries.

JOURNALIST: What badessment do you make of the agreement between Mercosur and EFTA?

Horacio Reyser: It's a good negotiation for us and opens up opportunities in a good amount of goods and services. Although there are 14 million inhabitants, it is the eighth largest investor in the world. They import $ 530 billion and, as Mercosur, we export only $ 3 billion. The growth of our exports offers an excellent opportunity as it consolidates Mercosur. Two months ago, we announced the European Union and, thanks to this agreement, we have finalized the European market as well as a group of countries with considerable potential for investment. They liberalize 99% of trade with our block with benefits such as free trade, quotas or preferences. In addition, we have consolidated certain tariffs that were at zero during international tensions. It's positive.

Q: Have there been any obstacles in the last days of negotiations because of the political and economic climate in Argentina?

rH: All negotiations took place at the San Martín Palace, with representatives of the EFTA countries, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay, without a doubt. It was a negotiation in a very good climate and with a political decision of the two blocks to want to conclude the denials. Everything happened in a strong trust between all countries.

The agreement with EFTA means expanding market opportunities for SMEs and regional economies "(Horacio Reyser)

Q: Which sectors of our country will benefit from this agreement?

rH: Some products that interest us a lot are included in this agreement. For example, meat. In addition to a bilateral quota, there is a quota of 22,000 tonnes in which we pay 20% and we can now eliminate. Thus, we will be able to compete and enter this quota that we had not entered before. We have a bilateral quota of about $ 30 million for wines, but they are also eliminating the 9% tariff on imports of this block. That is, we are starting to be more competitive to export them. On the other hand, fishery products, citrus fruits and blueberries will enter a free trade regime.

Q: What are the similarities between the Mercosur agreement and EFTA with the one signed with the European Union (EU)?

rH: Although the EU accounts for 20% of global GDP, the agreement with EFTA is similar in proportional terms. The concessions made by EFTA have been larger because they never give bilateral quotas and never eliminate tariffs from all WTO quotas.

Q: How much could Argentina's exports increase with this agreement?

rH: Of the $ 3 billion that Mercosur exports to EFTA, our country exports about $ 1.3 billion. The potential to participate in these exports of more than USD 530 million is important for us as it means an expansion of market opportunities for SMEs and regional economies. We have not calculated how much could be exported as it is an agreement that will expire in 10 years and it is hard to say how much of exports and investments will multiply. I think the space is very large and that we gain in competitiveness, we can gain in export opportunities.


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