Horrific video: a "suicidal" mouse was thrown into a deep-fat fryer at a fast-food restaurant | Chronic


An American fast-food restaurant had to close momentarily after a mouse appeared in the kitchen and jumped into the fryer under the astonished eyes of customers. The moment was captured by one of the participants, who viralised it on Facebook.

The incident occurred last weekend at the Whataburger restaurant in the state of Texas, United States. A rodent was captured on video while he was walking in the area where they were preparing hamburgers while guests were complaining about the situation.

One of the employees tried to calm the discontent of the customers by telling them that they were going to return the money to those who wanted it. Another worker tried unsuccessfully to capture the mouse, which jumped off the table and fell into a burning fryer.

Customers start screaming and complaining about horror and surprise. At the same time, another employee intends to unplug the unit.

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After the incident, the fast food chain issued a statement stating that "cleanliness and food safety" That's his "priority". "In this case, we closed the restaurant as a precaution and informed the pest control, since then the entire restaurant has been cleaned and disinfected."they said.

On the other hand, the video posted on Facebook has been viewed more than two million times and has been shared approximately 70,000 times.


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