Horror in Canada: they found the remains of 215 children …


A research team recently found a Mass grave with the remains of 215 indigenous children at Kamloops Indian Residential School, a former school located in western British Columbia Canada, which was intended to “integrate” the native peoples of the country.

“We had knowledge in our community that we were able to verify. Right now we have more questions than answers, ”said Rosanne Casimir, leader of the Tk’emlups te Secwepemc indigenous community, in a statement.

In turn, he clarified that the discovery was possible with the help of a specialist in ground penetrating radars. Currently, community leaders are working with experts from the museum and the coroner’s office to establish the causes and exact timing of the deaths.

The educational institution where the remains were found closed in 1978 and is still the symbol of a residential school system that has been called by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau a “shameful chapter in the history of our country” . In 2008, the Canadian government officially apologized for this system.

According to a recent survey, the aforementioned education system in Canada forcibly separated Indigenous children from their families and amounted to “cultural genocide”.

This documented report physical abuse, rape, malnutrition and other types of violence suffered by many of the 150,000 children in school, typically run by government-sponsored Christian churches from the 1840s to the 1990s.

In addition, over 4,100 boys died while attending residential school. It is believed that the deaths of the 215 boys buried on the grounds of what was Canada’s largest residential school were not included in this figure and appear to be undocumented.

The Tk’emlups te Secwepemc community has indicated that it is working with the coroner to contact the communities of origin whose children have attended school. In this sense, they indicated that they expected to have preliminary results in mid-June.

Meanwhile, British Columbia Assembly of First Nations regional chief Terry Teegee said in a statement that the search for these graves is a “rush job” that “refreshes the pain and loss of all. the First Nations of British Columbia ”.


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