Horror in England: they investigate up to 17 murders of babies in a hospital


England is shocked after a horrific case of crimes was reported in a Chester public hospital: Tuesday, a worker was arrested as a suspect for the death of eight babies and the attempted murder of the other six according to the local police

The woman is qualified by the authorities as "health professional", without specifying whether she is a doctor, nurse or if she has another health category. His arrest came after an investigation in the neonatal unit of The Countess of Chester Hospital.

The investigation began last year and seeks to clarify the death of 17 newborns and 15 other cases of "non-fatal collapse" between March 2015 and July 2016 in this department of the detainee's medical center is working.

  A sign announces the Chester Clinic in the United Kingdom. (dpa)
A sign announces the Chester Clinic in the United Kingdom. (dpa)

"It's a very complex and very sensitive investigation and, as you can see, we have to do our utmost to try to establish in detail which led to these deaths and collapses ]said detective Paul Hughes on Tuesday.

Police opened the investigation, still active, in May of last year. "This is an extremely difficult time for all families and it is important to remember that at the center of this operation there are many who are in mourning and are looking for answers on what happened to their children, "added Hughes. ] The lawyers, who represent the families of two dead babies, believe that the survey will provide answers .

The case adds a new scandal in the British health care system, after that recently it was given to know the horror that lived in the Gosport War Memorial Hospital between 1989 and 2000, where More than 450 patients died after receiving drugs to "shorten their lives" . [ad_2]
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