Horror in France: Police found body of child beheaded and with signs of cannibalism


French police (Reuters)
French police (Reuters)

A decapitated body, believed to be that of a child under 13 who has been missing for several days, was found in Tarascon (in the south-east of France) Sunday evening, with marks that could indicate cannibalistic acts.

The decapitated body and head of the victim were discovered around 11:30 p.m. Sunday local time (9:30 p.m. GMT) in a department of Tarascon, after calling a witness to the police, as described in AFP the prosecutor of this municipality of 15,000 inhabitants, north of Marseille.

When officers entered the house, they saw the body in a bag while the head was in a bucket in the bathroom.

the presumed guilty of this homicide was shot by the fleeing police.

Investigators linked this department to the disappearance of a minor from his home in Marseille a few days ago», Declared Laurent Gumbau, the prosecutor.

The body had scraps of skin ripped from his back, at shoulder height, but it is “impossible to confirm the anthropophagy hypothesis in the current state of research,” Gumbau added.

The tenant of the apartment, a 32-year-old man ”known for his psychiatric problems“And previously convicted of acts of violence, he fled through the roof of the building, according to the testimony of neighbors, and was shot dead by police three hours later. Authorities said the subject was unarmed when officers intervened and has not been formally identified as the victim’s murderer.

Pending the autopsy of the two bodies, no affinity link could be established between the victim found in the Tarascon department and the tenant, insisted the prosecutor Gumbau.

(With information from AFP)


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