Horror in Indonesia: crocodile swallowed whole child


A boy was eaten by a large crocodile while swimming with his brother.

Various Indonesian media have shown footage of when residents of a small town remove the child’s body from the animal’s stomach.

The terrible event took place on the banks of the Tempakul River in Bemgalon District, Indonesia’s East Kalimantan Province.

Dimas Mulkan Saputra was 8 years old.

The huge crocodile, nearly 5 meters long, attacked the smaller ones and swallowed Dimas with one bite. Although the father ran to help the boy, he was unable to save him. The reptile had taken it, said the local Tribune.

He quickly asked for help. Together with their neighbors and the National Search and Rescue Agency, they organized a search operation to try to find the predator.

Beyond the enormous efforts that everyone made, it was not until the next day that they were able to find the crocodile. Local residents and agents killed the animal and opened its stomach, from where they removed Dimas’ body. The little one was intact.

As soon as they saw the child’s lifeless body, the community was shocked and – like her parents, Subliansyah and Susi shouted the child’s name in despair.


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