Horror in Tenerife: the autopsy of …


After the appearance in the sea of ​​the corpse of Olivia Gimeno Zimmermann, the six-year-old girl who disappeared with her sister Anna in Tenerife, Spain in recent hours The minor was confirmed to have died from acute pulmonary edema.

Meanwhile, investigators came to a dramatic conclusion: the girls’ father allegedly anesthetized them with sleeping pills before the tragedy. The Civil Guard has already confirmed that during the five searches that were carried out in his house, they found several blister packs empty of pills.

The Superior Court of Justice of the Canary Islands (TSJC) published this Saturday the result of the autopsy carried out on the body of the little girl, which had been searched since April 27, the day of her disappearance with her father, Thomas gimeno, and her sister Anne.

However, officers are awaiting further conclusions drawn from the results of toxicological and biological analyzes that were carried out to fully elucidate the crime.

The results of the studies show a “violent death, of forensic etiology compatible with homicide, the immediate cause being compatible with acute pulmonary edema”.

The vice-president of the Spanish Society of Pulmonology and Thoracic Surgery, Germán Peces-Barba, explained that acute pulmonary edema occurs after poisoning by respiratory poisoning when inhaling something toxic and that “s’ he had drowned, it would have been necessary to suck water through the lungs “.

Olivia’s body was found by an underwater tracking robot at a depth of 1,000 meters, inside a bag attached to an anchor. Likewise, another sports bag was found, also attached to the anchor, although empty. However, the search for her sister Anna and her father, the alleged perpetrator of their deaths, is still ongoing.

Girls they disappeared on April 27. The next day, Gimeno’s ship was found adrift and without an anchor. That day, the man was seen loading six bags in the port of Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

The case is being investigated as one of gender-based violence: indirect violence, whereby damage is done to the mother by the suffering of the children. Since 2013, there have been 39 such cases in Spain, including four in Tenerife. Except in one case, all of the crimes were committed by the biological parents.

The murder aroused pain and indignation in Spanish society. Thousands of people demonstrated on Friday to repudiate the homicide of the girls and Sevillian minor Rocío Caíz, murdered by her ex-spouse.

In Tenerife, where the two minors abducted by their father lived, hundreds of people returned to the streets of the capital, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, following the mobilization called by the Forum against Gender Violence and the Feminist Platform 8M.


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